Selwyn Mastiff DofB 18.11.2022 RRemedies Centre

Mastiffs that are available for adoption
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Selwyn Mastiff DofB 18.11.2022 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Available
Selwyn's Story: Selwyn was found abandoned and unclaimed within a NW council pound. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving his life. Selwyn is now neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Selwyn came in to our Rescue Centre nr Gatwick whilst awaiting his new family.

If you are interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Selwyn's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.

Original referral information: 20.11.23:
28638, Selwyn, Male, est 18 m, 52kg, Animal Microchips.

A big but pleasant dog can be funny but has size with him, needs a strong handler. Due to demand on service PTS date of the 21st Nov has been set. Good with people and other dogs in kennel environment.

Transport is available but longer journeys may require meeting at a handover point.
We were alerted to the fact Selwyn was booked with the vets tomorrow 21st and if there is anyway we could save him

Selwyn came into RescueRemedies on the 26th Nov 23
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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 Comes 26th Nov

Post by lloydj »

I had the pleasure of meeting Selwyn today and he is such a lovely boy.

He is a big boy, so I was ready for some strong moments on our walk and I was pleasantly surprised to say they never came.

We took it slowly into the woods while he got his bearings of his new environment, having a good sniff exploring.

Very quickly he showed me a lot of affection giving me kisses and cuddling, throughout the walk.

He walked really well with minimal pulling and enjoyed a jog on parts of the walk.

We met a couple of walkers with their dogs on our adventure and Selwyn was fantastic with no reaction at all, even when the other dog barked at us.

I’m looking forward to going on our next adventure and getting to know Selwyn better, but from our initial walk he is a very affectionate well behaved boy.

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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

I met Selwyn out with Lloyd today and saw what a big softie he is. Smashing boy, big, beautiful and fun.
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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 RRemedies Centre

Post by lloydj »

Selwyn and I have enjoyed multiple walks over the last week and half and what a lovely boy he is.

He is very affectionate and takes comfort in his walker, he walks well in the woods and on the road, has been great passing other dogs and walkers, he sits and will give you his paw, listens well to commands and enjoys running as part of his walk.

He is very curious and loves to explore his new surroundings, If he becomes overwhelmed, Selwyn looks for comfort from his walker and needs a little time and love to know everything is ok and reset, so we can continue our adventure.

I’m so proud of Selwyn adapting so quickly to his new surroundings and can’t wait to see more of this affectionate lovings boys personality shine through while his confidence grows.

For the right family, this affectionate boy has a lot of love to give.





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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 RRemedies Centre

Post by lloydj »

What a wonderful dog Selwyn is, we have been walking together for a few weeks now and he is the most fantastic boy.

Selwyn is very affectionate and loves spending time with his walker. He walks well and listens to commands and is not reactive to dogs and other walkers.

On our walk today we encountered multiple dogs with a handful barking and reacting to him and he was so well behaved and would sit, let them past and then we were on our way. We passed cyclists and small children and once again no reaction and just loves spending time with his walker.

I love spending time with Selwyn and we have quickly formed a bond, for the right family he we’ll make the best companion and deserves lots of love.









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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 RRemedies Centre

Post by lloydj »

Selwyn and I have had a fantastic time walking together over the festive period.

We have explored the local woods, village and parks, we have socialised with dogs and have encountered some horse riders and Selwyn has been great in all scenarios.

Selwyn is very affectionate and loves to be with his walker, he can sometimes get over excited when he starts his walk, so can need sometime to relax together with firm commands before we start our adventure.

Selwyn is such a loving and affectionate boy and for the right experienced family with time to bond, will give so much love and joy.



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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 RRemedies Centre

Post by RosC »

I had another wonderful walk with Selwyn yesterday. He is a lovely boy as Lloyd says.
His whole body wags when he is happy and he clearly loves being out. He let's you harness him up easily with a few kisses thrown in!
For a big lad he is such an easy walk. You would hardly know he is on the lead as he doesn't pull at all. He doesn't seem to react to passers by or other animals.
Very handsome boy who would be coming home if I didn't already have one this size love4.gif
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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 RRemedies Centre

Post by RosC »

Another fabulous walk today with this gorgeous boy. I can see why Lloyd is so taken with him, as I am too, he is any big dog person's dream love4.gif
After a relaxing walk around the common, without any pulling at all and just a quick attempt to eat some fresh horse poo, we went for a game of ball in the paddock.
Selwyn gambols after the ball rather than going crazy but did have fun! He seemed to enjoy the slightly larger red ball we found to a tennis ball.
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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 RRemedies Centre

Post by lloydj »

It makes me so happy to hear Ros enjoying spending time with this most fantastic boy love4.gif

Since my last post Selwyn and I have had lots of fantastic walks together and it’s so easy to fall in love with this special boy.

Selwyn is such a good boy, he loves to run, but also enjoys exploring his surroundings with a slow walk, he doesn’t react to other dogs or humans and is content being and spending time with his walker.

He is affectionate and thrives off of your reassurance and it melts your heart when he looks up to you with his loving eyes, especially after you tell him he is a good boy.

With time to build that initial bond and reassurance Selwyn thrives off of, for the right experienced family this most special boy with give so much back.



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Re: Selwyn Mastiff DofB 2021 RRemedies Centre

Post by Nic-90 »

Selwyn is an absolute gem!
After being introduced last week I couldn’t wait to take him out, his big head and those eyes that make you melt a little!
I spent some time with him in the kennel letting him get used to me and he knows sit, paw, wait
He was eager To get out but listens well and was easy to harness and get clipped up and came out the the kennels really well,

Trotting through the woods he was looking back, stopped when I did, came in for a head rub when sat down and really was a joy to work

He still has some puppy playfulness but settles really well it’s easy to see what a great dog he will be when he gets to know someone in home

Very much looking forward to taking him out again!!





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