Terri: volunteer
Chestnut Tortie & Coconut Blk&Wht DofB May 23 Wandsworth
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
Latoya was voted cat of the month by volunteers August as she is sooooo funny, so much character and loves to play. She has come so far. So cute and Janet, her quieter sister, is super pretty, gentle nature also likes to play and now is happy to take a stroke which is adorable. They are a beautiful pair
Terri: volunteer
Terri: volunteer
Terri: Rescue Remedies cat cuddler
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Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
janet and latoya both happy today. latoya her usual playful self. janet just enjoying her treats after lunch
- Posts: 71
- Joined: Thu 06 Jun 2024 09:41
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
Janet and Latoya enjoyed playing with their octopus today. Both are so playful now, their personalities really shine.
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
Janet and Latoya just get braver and braver. It’s taken a long time, but first Janet, and now Latoya have realised that it’s nice to be stroked. Although Latoya won’t keep still for a moment, she kept coming back to me for fuss today, and seemed to really enjoy a tickle under her chin.
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
For the first time with me Latoya seemed very happy to be stroked and brushed today. She is much more relaxed when not practicing acrobatics.
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
When I went into their enclosure today Janet and Latoya were cuddled up together and Latoya was grooming Janet. After that Janet was relaxed enough for me to stroke her - for the first time.
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
lovely janet keeping a watchful eye on her gymnastic sister latoya 
- Posts: 314
- Joined: Mon 22 Jan 2024 07:09
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
Latoya is really blossoming
No longer the scared little thing that flinched if a human so much as came too close, she now is starting to seek out gentle touch and if she could talk, I think she would tell us that she is almost at the stage if enjoying a stroke! Here's a couple videos
No longer the scared little thing that flinched if a human so much as came too close, she now is starting to seek out gentle touch and if she could talk, I think she would tell us that she is almost at the stage if enjoying a stroke! Here's a couple videos
Follow our cats on Instagram @rescueremediescats 
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Sun 27 Aug 2023 22:03
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
Latoya peeking through the pen 
Re: Janet Tortie & Latoya Blk&Wht DofB May 23 RRemedies Centre
Every time I visit it gets harder to understand why Janet and Latoya are still with us. They are the most delightful pair- Janet is very thoughtful and watchful, a quiet and gentle cat. Latoya is far more energetic, and it’s so wonderful to see her enjoying being stroked and made a fuss of. Such progress!