Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

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Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Available
Berry's Story: Berry has grown up and been living in a back garden, basically dumped by an ex-wife who lost her accommodation. The owner 80 yrs old and incapacitated, merely provided food. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving her life. Berry is now neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Berry came in to our Rescue Centre nr Gatwick whilst awaiting her new family.

If you are interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Berry's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.

Original referral information: We were called by a volunteer who had been tipped off by a social worker that Berry needed help and a Rescue place. She had been to visit and was so upset to see how she was living.

Berry came into RescueRemedies on the 4th August 23
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Berry's back story. She was put in an elderly man's back garden at 2 months old (Oct22). She was too lively for him to have in his house. She has grown up with very little human company and no dog socialisation.
Hi Lynne,
As discussed, this is Berry ❤️
She is just a year old and lived her life in this back yard, never allowed in the house or socialised with other dogs or people so surprising how good she is all things considered. Not sure she has ever been walked either and definitely not on a lead, and sadly when I took her out of the yard for a walk, she wanted to go back to the hell hole of the yard. When we left, she cried. 😓. I will try and go see her as much as I can when time allows. Her only vice which I saw was guarding her food and water bowl - which as we know is normal behaviour. Also, two small yappy dogs walked past us and she reacted again normal considering.

Thank you 🙏 x
Berry (1).jpeg
Berry (2).jpeg
Berry (6).jpeg
Berry (3).jpeg
Berry (4).jpeg
Berry (5).jpeg
Her shelter and 'bed area'
Her shelter and 'bed area'
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

some photos from the weekend from Hayley
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Hayleycakes »

Berry berry berry where to begin… I’ve never felt so attached or responsible for a dog in a long time and I’ve been involved with a fair few over the years. On Thursday when I went to visit and assess Berry the sheer state of her living area and conditions were probably one of the worst I’ve ever seen. She had no clear floor space to really stand let alone lay down as it was wall to wall covered in faeces. rubbish and old furniture. She had been living in this yard since she was two months old and no one had ever cleared up a poo not even once so you can imagine 10 months later. She was never allowed in the house no matter what the weather. 😔 They warned me when I got there that she would guard her food bowl (not at all surprising as this was all she had to her name and grimly resembled a happy time). I looked into her sad eyes and knew we had to get her out. Despite having nothing and living like this she seemed in relatively good health and good spirits. She was definitely pleased to see us and have some attention that’s for sure. I popped her on a lead and walked her up the road where she briefly met my dog Arnold. She didn’t really react in any way to be honest but what was very clear was that she had seen very little of the outside world 😔. She is a sweet, sweet girl who has absolutely no skills or idea how to be a dog currently but she will now in the fantastic care of Rescue Remedies. Since Friday I have been over every day to see her and help with settling her in because it’s all very scary at the moment. I can’t thank Lynne, the staff and all the wonderful volunteers enough for everything they have done for Berry (and all the other dogs). What a wonderful rescue family we have become. 🙏🫶👏 I can’t wait to see her thrive in our care. Xxxx
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

I was lucky enough to meet Berry yesterday. The staff are building trust with her in the kennel, which is where she currently feels somewhat overwhelmed with the busyness and the noise. Once out she seemed happy to make friends with everyone and Hayley and I spent time with her in the paddock. Diana (who had met her the day before) came to join us and once recognised, Berry greeted her in a very friendly manner. She then went for a walk with Hayley, accompanied by RubyTuesday walking with me. Despite having little experience of the world, Berry seemed to take it all in her stride. She was very interested in RubyTuesday but did not bother her at all.
Berry is a delightful girl with a big heart.
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

Berry bounced out of her kennel with Anna this morning and came out happily to meet new people, Emma and Jude. First we went to the paddock to allow Berry just to mooch and sniff and relax. She took turns coming up to each of us to say hello. Then Berry and I went off for a walk accompanied by Jude and Betty. Berry was very relaxed around Betty. She just mooched along slowly, sniffing and doing her own thing. Berry is very tuned in and reacts to your voice, looking up to see what you are telling her.
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Hayleycakes »

woo.gif] thank you all so much!! She’s learning to be a dog and trust in people this has made my week thank you 🙏 x
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedi

Post by Jude&Alf »

It was so lovely to meet darling Berry yesterday love4.gif and I was pretty much instantly in awe of her.
It was quite something to see that Berry has already formed the most wonderful bond with Anne and she was pretty open to making friends with myself and Emma too thumbs.gif
Berry was great coming out of her kennel on Wednesday and we headed straight to the paddock for some chill out time. Berry was very happy to sniff and would every now again come to one of us for a fuss, although she is very much learning how to receive a fuss, sadly I don’t even think she knows what it is, honestly I believe that Berry has no clue how to receive love. I can’t even begin to imagine how Berry is feeling, she has led such a horrible life, but she is incredible, she is facing life full on and although she’s finding some stuff scary she’s being such a brave girl and oh my goodness she is in the right place to move forward and love life.
So back to yesterday, Berry is super relaxed with Anne and so I grabbed Betty SR for a lovely social walk and oh my goodness how lovely these 2 were, now Betty loves to roll, she loves the common and the merest hint of a smell and she’s on her back, loving life woo.gif] I don’t think Berry quite got it, everything is pretty overwhelming right now for her, but she will absolutely get it and I can it wait to see her grow In confidence over the coming weeks thumbs.gif
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

Berry is settling. She is now happy to receive her friends at her kennel door, especially if they come armed with tasty treats. She is watching all the action around her and can see the staff busy most of the day as she has her kennel next to the kitchen. When I go and see her to take her out, she is excited and as soon as I open her door she runs straight to the back gate and waits for me. Leads clipped on and she is keen to get going. Berry walks calmly on the lead, taking her time to stop and sniff. She is very tuned in and will listen and respond appropriately to anything I ask. She is super sweet with all the people she now calls friends.
When I took Bear out yesterday, whose kennel is close by, I caught her barking at us when we passed. I am not sure if she was jealous that I was taking another dog out or just reacting to us passing but it is good to see her more engaged with what is going on around her.
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Re: Berry Boerboel (SA Mastiff) DofB July 22 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

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