Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Sooty didn't fancy much walking today so we mooched around the yard for a while until Amy appeared with Daisy. He was then keen to walk up and around the common. Both dogs were not bothered about each other in the slightest and enjoyed their walk together.
Sooty seems naturally good around other mutts, and now the jumping up and lead grabbing has calmed down he actually meets people very well.
We introduce carefully and he is happy to take a treat or be stroked.
Today he met Amy, Paige, Diana and of course Aunty Kiera who's his favourite.
Sooty seems naturally good around other mutts, and now the jumping up and lead grabbing has calmed down he actually meets people very well.
We introduce carefully and he is happy to take a treat or be stroked.
Today he met Amy, Paige, Diana and of course Aunty Kiera who's his favourite.
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Finally got to met Sooty yesterday!!
He was a very good boy! Sat and paw for a treat and thoroughly enjoyed all the attention I was giving him. Still being mindful incase he gets too excited but there was none of it! Sat with he very calm and happily!
Had a social walk with Daisy who after a sniff ignored each other the whole time and walked very nicely!
He was a very good boy! Sat and paw for a treat and thoroughly enjoyed all the attention I was giving him. Still being mindful incase he gets too excited but there was none of it! Sat with he very calm and happily!
Had a social walk with Daisy who after a sniff ignored each other the whole time and walked very nicely!
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Sooty is doing very well when out and about but the last 2 days have seen him very hyped up when getting ready to go out. He's been very grabby with the leads and harness. It's taken him quite a while to calm down, but has been ok when we exit. Also his attention has been focused on the leads and not on the hands or arms.
He just seems a bit overexcited and his outlet is the leads. I'm sure it will pass. He's enjoying his time out so much that he just wants to get going.
He just seems a bit overexcited and his outlet is the leads. I'm sure it will pass. He's enjoying his time out so much that he just wants to get going.
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Sooty was a lot better getting ready today. He really enjoys his time out and likes to have a little sniff around before meeting and greeting the walkers. He also sits for ages watching the world go by. Today auntie Kiera gave him a nice shower to show off his lovely dark brown/black fur.
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Our boy was a little excited to get out today. I let him have the leads til he calms down and only raise my voice if he goes near the hands; after which he calms down. I think this shows that he does know within himself when he's going too far. Having said that, this doesn't happen very often and he's very relaxed when he's out and about.
Sooty's also been meeting many of the walkers and is very people friendly. Today he met Tam who took a few photos.
Sooty's also been meeting many of the walkers and is very people friendly. Today he met Tam who took a few photos.
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Sooty continues to wow the crowd. All who see him agree on how handsome he is. He socialises very well. Today it was Sophie's turn to be beguiled!
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Sooty happily followed the pack on their way to the charity game. He likes other dogs and rarely makes noise at them.
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Handsome bugger.
Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre
Fab photos Stephen, he really is a very handsome boy