Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Mastiffs that are available for adoption
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Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Available
Sooty's Story: Sooty was found abandoned and unclaimed within a council pound. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving his life. Sooty is neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Sooty is in to our Rescue Centre nr Gatwick whilst awaiting his new family.

If interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Sooty's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.

Original referral information: We were asked to take Sooty to save his life.
Sooty came into RescueRemedies on the 25th April 23
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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by geoffcase »

I walked Sooty today. What a lovely boy. He was in the paddock, and as I entered he tried to leave, but I grabbed his harness without issue and closed the gate. I offered some treats(sausage), having made him sit first, and then clipped on the leads and off we went. Sooty doesn’t pull, although likes taught leads out front, he is non-reactive to dogs and humans, although he showed some interest in them, and he is an easy and enjoyable walk.
He sits beautifully for treats ( sausage or gravy bones), and likes some petting.
He did not grab the leads, was happy to return to his kennel with a chew, and was thoroughly delightful. This boy will be a great companion for the right family. love4.gif
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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Here is Sooty showing what a good good boy he is...

Chrissy M
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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by Chrissy M »

I had the pleasure of meeting Sooty yesterday and he’s a very impressive looking boy with a lovely shiney coat who was very chilled and friendly , I don’t think this lovely boy will be with us long 💖
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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by geoffcase »

Sooty was a very good boy yesterday. We had a little period of attempting lead grabbing as we were leaving the grounds, but he soon settled into a relaxed walk. He went to the stream for a paddle and quick drink, and he was just happy to be out and looking at the sights. Sooty did not react to any of the passing dogs, and walked without pulling on the leads.
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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by RosC »

Me and Tony took the lovely sooty for a walk yesterday.
Very friendly welcome as he came out of the kennel even though I have only walked him once before.
He was perfectly behaved with no lead grabbing at all, just enjoying his walk.
We walked round the common and sooty didn't pull on the leads at all. He was walking briskly with a purpose and didn't do much sniffing but seemed to enjoy his outing with us.
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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

We've been spending a little time with Sooty trying to prepare him for getting the leads back on him. He does get very lead grabby when walked, and like most dogs who grab leads he tends to end up on the hands and forearm. He's had the muzzle on twice and pulled it straight off twice. So maybe we'll start walking him in the paddock with the leads on to see if we can desensitise him that way. Other than the lead grabbing Sooty doesn't seem very reactive at all and I've only experienced his lovely friendly nature. He likes company and will keep coming back for more fuss and stokes. He favourite prize of all time is his blue snake.
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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

So Kiera and I have been spending some time with Sooty in order to soften his reactivity to the dog leads. Today we got the harness and leads on and had a walk around the paddock. He got overexcited and grabby at one point but settled while still in the paddock. As he'd been responding so well we thought it time to try him outside in the grounds. He'd forcibly pulled the muzzle off twice so we took the chance without it. He can learn to accept the muzzle while he's enjoying his walks.
So off we went. Everybody was so pleased to see him out and about and although he was understandably a little flustered, he was a ⭐.
We walked to the bigger paddock where Kiera got the wet ear hole and face wash. Hopefully we'll try him again tomorrow and get him back into his routine. We know Sooty's original gang of Geoff and Lynne will be chuffed for him.
Jan Case
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Re: Sooty Cane Corso DofB 23.07.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jan Case »

Absolutely thrilled to see this lovely boy enjoying a calm walk with Stephen and Kiera. Made my week love4.gif
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