Today he came over to me when he saw me so I knew he remembered me
Nero was happy for me to enter and clip the leafs on without any fuss
I told him we were going for a walk and he definitely picked up pace as we went on our way once again ignoring all the other dogs
He is absolutely gorgeous with such a gentle nature, we walked down the lane passing other dogs and he was not interested or bothered by them
Nero and I then had a lovely walk in the woods where he was very sniffy and happy
![woo woo.gif]](./images/smilies/woo.gif)
There are some fallen trees on my usual route so we came back via a bridge with 2 styles which he had to jump over which he did with great elegance

There were some very slippy places and he waited for me to get my footing which is a good sign of how much a gentleman he is
I was sad taking him back but hopefully this post will encourage other walkers to meet him and potentially a new home as he is adorable