Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Mastiffs that are available for adoption
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Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Available
Nero's Story: Nero came into Rescue on Welfare grounds and is growing in confidence by the day. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving his life. Nero is now neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Nero is in our Rescue Centre nr Gatwick whilst awaiting his new family.

If interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Nero's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.
Original referral information: We were asked to help Nero to find his forever family

Nero came into RescueRemedies on the 15th April 23
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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by EmmaNicole »

I had the pleasure of Nero’s company whilst he posed for his photos and whilst we went or a little stroll and all I can say is lucky me love4.gif

Nero is the gentlest of souls who despite clearly never having seen much of the big wide world is happy to be guided by a human. He walks wonderfully to heal. Knows sit and lay down and whilst is a little shy as you first meet him is very quick to make friend if you are calm and gentle and is soon leaning in for cuddles.

He enjoyed his first walk out into woods even though they were a little muddy for his taste but he skilfully picked the harder edges of the path and plodded along. The further into the woods got I could see his caution towards his new surroundings and noises and so we took it slow stopping for lots of cuddles and when I could see he reached his comfort zone we headed back to base. I’m sure though it won’t be long before he’s trotting out far and wide, I only hope I manage to get a look in and more walks before he is either snapped up by his new home or I get crowded out by all the other walkers who I know will want to meet this fabulous boy.

Form an orderly queue all this boy is gorgeous in every possible way bighug.gif Kiss of love.gif
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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jude&Alf »

Just popping on to reiterate how lovely this boy is love4.gif
I first met Nero when he was out and about in the morning with Lynne last week and I was lucky enough to enjoy some sweet, gentle cuddles, he absolutely leans in for those cuddles love4.gif then later on he was out with his walker Emma and having met Nero earlier I couldn’t resist going to say hello and oh my goodness he remembered me and was just beautiful, he does seem to like to sniff and I was lucky enough to receive the smallest, whisper of a kiss Kiss of love.gif
Nero is a lovely, lovely boy and I agree with Emma he is going to make many, many friends here at RR until his forever family come along thumbs.gif
Sarah and Joe
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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Sarah and Joe »

I got to meet Nero yesterday and he is quite nervous at the moment, especially in his kennel.
I spent a couple of minutes outside speaking to him and giving treats and then entered his kennel, he went to the back of the kennel as soon as I entered so I looked away from him throw some treats and knelt down and he came back over to me and started taking treats from my hand. love4.gif
When I lifted the harness up he backed off again so I went back to treating him. It didn’t take too long for him to be happy with me and for him to be asking for fuss and at that point you can get the harness on easily.
Patience and treats seems to be the key with Nero.
He is a gentle giant and I felt he hasn’t seen a lot of the outside world , he doesn’t react negatively about stuff but he’s curious and wary of everything. He walks nicely and does respond to you, he’s not sure about cars/lorries but doesn’t lunge, I just think he needs our help to gain confidence.
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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by geoffcase »

I have walked Nero twice now. The first time he was extremely nervous of me, and wouldn’t take treats from my hand, but would take them when half-way between us. I thought it might be a ‘man’ thing, and I asked a lady (Becca) to harness him. He was quite happy to go for a walk with me, but wouldn’t leave the lane. Today he took treats from my hand and gave me some licks, and harnessing him was no problem. We went for a long (slow) walk, absolute gentleman, no reaction to other dogs/traffic/bicycles etc.
Slack leads throughout. Nero is a lovely boy who needs love and company xx
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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by geoffcase »

Nero is getting more confident about people entering his kennel. He came straight up to me yesterday and took some treats, then off we went for a walk. He seems totally non-reactive to other dogs, is not bothered by traffic, and is interested in the world around him. We had a long slow walk, thoroughly delightful, this boy doesn’t rush for anything. Maybe I could learn something!!!!!
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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Settled on their walk they kept kissing each other
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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 Bedford

Post by xxlynne »

Nero met a wonderful family headed by Allison and Paul today. He met Huckleberry his new companion Bulldog...and his family offer Mack a foster place to see how all three dogs settle. Happy days

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Re: Nero Cane Corso DofB 4.4.22 Bedford

Post by EmmaNicole »

wheyhey.gif So please to see Nero heading off to his next chapter in life. Enjoy gorgeous boy I will miss our walks but seeing you happy in a home is so much better Kiss of love.gif
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