So we've made it to 6 weeks with this absolute nightmare of a girl. It's so hard keeping up with all of her demands..... I need a cuddle, I need a belly rub, I need to lick your face, I need another cuddle, where's my teddy?, I found him so can I have another cuddle.
Honestly we can't believe what a superstar we've got here. All Boo wants is to be loved and appreciated. She's been out for a nice family walk with our eldest, his wife and 2 boys over the weekend (without us) and they all came back with great big smiles. Think Boo has won them over

They couldn't praise her enough for being so well behaved.
We're still working on the men situation but everyday she is becoming that little bit more confident. She has calmed down so much when seeing men now to the point where most of the time she doesn't even acknowledge that they are there. Although I'm sure she's still giving them the side eye lol
Anyway, I have to go, Boo has just rolled over and is giving me those demanding puppy dog eyes