Breeze Neapolitan Mastiff x Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

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Breeze Neapolitan Mastiff x Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Available
Breeze's Story: Breeze and Mack were given up as their owner was involved in a house fire and can not care for them now. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving their lives. Mack & Breeze are now neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Breeze is in our Rescue Centre nr Gatwick whilst awaiting their new family.

If interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Breeze's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.

Original referral information: Urgent call came " 2 Brothers only 9 months old have lost their home and need to go to a responsible Rescue to avoid them getting into the wrong hands"

Breeze & Mack came into RescueRemedies on the 11th September 22
Breeze and Mack
Breeze and Mack
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Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Breeze (Pale yellow fawn) and Mack (Red brown) arrived yesterday. Oh how they are twins...totally wrapped up in one another following one another and you really get the sense providing we can equip them with the skills they need that they must stay together.

Well the Cane Corsa in the Italian Mastiff and as far as we can remember we have always had black... so I had to refer to the internet and it confirms colour: Black, Fawn, Black Brindle, Grey, Chestnut Brindle, Red. So when we were told they were kennel registered I now have to believe them and if you painted Sully cream yes they must be.

Lovely soft welcoming nature just have to get them to settle around dogs as we are told they were never walked and not socialised. Welcome lovely ones you are wonderful.
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Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jude&Alf »

Emma and I treated ourselves to a walk with this glorious duo yesterday and wow they really are rather wonderful thumbs.gif I mean they're big, beautiful puppies, what's not to love love4.gif love4.gif
They were super welcoming in their kennel, no jumping up just a little bit wriggly, so we decided to just pick a puppy and get going thumbs.gif
I walked the lovely Breeze and he's certainly a stunner, a beautiful fawn colour with slightly darker stripes, his brother Mack is a gorgeous chocolate brown colour and both had splashes of slobber where they smoosh against each other, they certainly seem to love each other Kiss of love.gif
Heading out they were both slightly tentative, but we got going quite quickly and they seemed keen to explore. I must say for such young, big dogs they walked absolutely beautifully on the lead, from the start of our walk Breeze was definitely the more confident and took the lead, but his brother happily kept up and every now and again they walked companionably beside each other, it was so lovely to see these 2 wonderful dogs bumbling along together, taking great comfort from the other love4.gif love4.gif
I get the impression that they may have led a sheltered life and although Breeze was the more confident, he did have a little bark at people walking past. I'm sure this will diminish pretty quickly with all the walks this super pair are going to be getting thumbs.gif
Breeze also has a good old bark at his neighbors on our return to kennels, Mack kept stopping to see what all the fuss was about, he really didn't want to leave his brother behind, they really are very sweet together.
Breeze and Mack are just beautiful, they give off lovely, calm vibes and are very, very sweet natured puppies love4.gif love4.gif
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Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Lynds »

I saw these two boys in real life for the first time yesterday.
They are incredibly beautiful. All soft fur and squishy bodies.
So gorgeous as a lovely pair.
Sounds like they are good boys with tonnes of potential too, given their young age.
I really hope to get to walk them as they sound a lot of fun and are showstoppingly handsome!
Jan Case
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Re: Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jan Case »

Said hello to these two beauties in their kennel today where they clambered over each other to accept some sausage and cheese. They are incredibly good natured, absolutely wonderful to see love4.gif
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Re: Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by RosC »

Me and Corrinne walked this lovely pair yesterday. They are so very friendly and were pleased to see us.
They were a bit shouty at a couple of dogs we passed in the lane and were fairly strong in pulling towards them but otherwise well behaved.
I think they would gave preferred to be in the paddock playing to be honest as they kept trying to catch the others attention to play!
They are very beautiful and cuddly boys love4.gif
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Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.02.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

Myself and Tam spent some time with the boys today. On exiting the paddock we decided to walk them separately as they can be a little puppy boisterous. Breeze was a touch nervous without Mack but walked by my side until we headed back; after which he did start pulling.
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Re: Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jude&Alf »

I enjoyed another great walk with this young pup yesterday thumbs.gif Breeze is really starting to find his feet and I’m loving getting to know this gorgeous boy love4.gif

Breeze is always super welcoming in his kennel, all he really wants to do though is get going so we don’t hang around and exit pretty swiftly. We do shut Breeze’s neighbours in and it works a treat, he’s not as excitable heading out and is way more focused which is always a great start to a walk thumbs.gif
Once we get into the woods Breeze is very keen to explore and although he can be a little hesitant and unsure he’s so very up for discovering all about the big, wide world. It’s so lovely seeing him taking everything in and slowly he is gaining In confidence, thinking back to when I first walked him to now he’s doing fabulously thumbs.gif
So Breeze is quite a big boy and he can be strong, but in the weeks since his arrival he’s definitely slowed down and if I call his name he has started coming back to me and touching his nose to my hand, it’s so very sweet and seems to be reassuring for him. I think it’s easy to forget, because of his size that Breeze is very much a young puppy, just 8 months old and he needs what any other young dogs need, to feel safe and secure and once in a home the bonds you will build with this beautiful boy will be unreal.

Something else worth a mention, during our walk yesterday we passed a jogger and also stepped aside to let 2 walkers and their 3 dogs go by and not a peep from Breeze, definitely interested, but he has previously barked in situations like these so a fabulous improvement love4.gif

Breeze is a big dog lovers dream, he’s a stunning dog and I really hope his perfect forever home comes along soon :crossfingers.gif:
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Re: Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by RosC »

Me and Sarah took the lovable duo out for a walk this morning.
They can be quite strong and pull a bit but they have got so much better and more confident at walking from when they first came in.

They really are both gorgeous with squishy faces and it is easy to forget how young they are as they really are calm for their age.

After the walk we took them in the paddock for a quick play about before taking them back to the kennel.
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Re: Breeze Cane Corso DofB 12.2.22 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jude&Alf »

Breeze was an absolute beauty on our walk today thumbs.gif
Always a wonderful, warm welcome from this boy, he’s usually pretty chilled in his kennel and just happy to see one of his people. He’s very, very sweet and has the most expressive face making him incredibly easy to read, honestly there’s no hidden agenda with Breeze, he’s an open and honest boy love4.gif take the time to get to know him and build a bond with this darling and you will have a friend for life, Breeze is a dog who wears his heart on his sleeve and I count myself very lucky to call him my friend.
So Breeze can be pretty strong, it’s usually heading out or returning to kennels BUT this boy listens, more so when you’ve walked him a few times, but he does listen and is super respectful, once you get going he slows his pace down a bit and is an absolute joy to walk thumbs.gif every time I walk Breeze I discover a little bit more about him and it’s all pretty amazing love4.gif
I always try to do the longer walk with Breeze, out and around past keepers cottage and back, today we tried a slightly different route, just to mix it up a little and of course Breeze was wonderful thumbs.gif we enjoyed a lovely woodland walk first, he waited patiently twice while I had to sort out my socks slipping down inside my wellies, at first I think he thought it was playtime but then he just stood perfectly still until I was ready to go again, when Breeze needs to show self control he absolutely does thumbs.gif We then headed out on the roads, Breeze was a little unsure of the traffic at first and came in for some reassurance, obviously I was more than happy to give out some cuddles, but pretty quickly he found his feet and we were off again, we walked all the way around and back on the road, no problem at all and we returned back to kennels, both of us with massive smiles on our faces thumbs.gif
Breeze is a wonderful, wonderful dog, he is young and inexperienced but has a heart of gold and is very much looking forward to the next chapter in his life thumbs.gif
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