Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Mastiffs that are available for adoption
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

Bailey has a loving and caring nature. She has an aloofness about her even with those she's knows. But when she trusts.... you're in. Bailey has an inquisitive, baby face and is a very alert dog. She loves chasing a ball and is now learning to bring it back!
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by Tamlou »

Bailey wearing her winter onsie. She loves being cosy and warm. Such a loving, kind girl once she knows you. 🥰 loves to greet you with her waggy tail and a toy.

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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by Tamlou »

Bailey is stunning. She loves her walks around the village and is a good girl around most dogs and people. She is a strong girl but manageable and listens really well. She knows all the basic commands and is wearing her muzzle well just in case an off lead dog gets in her space. She travels well in a car, loves a bath and wearing her winter clothes 🥰 Bailey will need someone who will understand her needs going forward, be a an experienced bull breed person and she will give you all the love and companionship you need.

Sarah and Joe
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by Sarah and Joe »

After a few intros to this lovely girl from Tam I finally took the reins and took her for a walk today thumbs.gif
She was great, she does love getting out and is strong but settles down a bit after the inital excitement, like Tam says she’s isn’t bothered by anything once out , takes it all in her stride love4.gif

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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 Croydon Sleepover

Post by StephenB »

Bailey has dropped by the ranch for a few days. She's been impeccably behaved indoors. She's so happy to be around someone and has enjoyed her downtime. I don't tend to do a lot on short fosters. A good rest and a few walks is all that's on the menu for both of us.

We had a decent spin around the local roads late morning and Bailey is still very strong on the lead but much less likely to keep pulling on the firmer surface. We'll do the same again later tonight.

Last time she was here she was up pacing around at 3-4am. Last night it was 4am. I let her into the garden where she got over excited because Mr Fox lives in the corner of the garden and was on his way back home. (Maybe that's what woke her?). She does have a high prey drive.
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff

Post by StephenB »

Took Bailey back today. She was the perfect guest. No problem at all in doors. She brings her harness and collar over when she wants to go out: Is polite around food and doesn't pull anything around. Good in the car and a fine and affectionate companion. She needs work on her pulling and she is excitable and strong around squirrels, birds....and foxes. But what a fine dog.
Here she is patiently waiting in the van outside the health food shop.
Sarah and Joe
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by Sarah and Joe »

So nice to see Bailey chilled out and it shows what a great companion she can be. love4.gif I’ve just started to get to know/walk Bailey and she is a strong girl, eager to get out and see the world at full pelt 0002.gif] . Believe this lovely girl never had walks before so she does need training. Yesterday I took her out, when I went to get her she was enjoying the paddock while her kennel was cleaned, she saw me and literally jumped for joy. She loves playing ball so I went in, was greeted well and then presented with a football, I started to play but soon realised that I was exiting her too much as she started to get a bit grabby with the leads, playfully mind but I didn’t want that so I left for 5 mins to let her (and me) calm down and then went back and said firmly “let’s go for a walk’ and she let me harness and muzzle her easily thumbs.gif Then off we went hunting for squirrels and birds!
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

All going well with Bailey. She really is a tender soul with a lot of loving to give.
Posts: 837
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Re: Bailey Staffie x DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

Lovely soul out with the boys today.
Sarah and Joe
Posts: 348
Joined: Fri 08 Jan 2021 21:04

Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by Sarah and Joe »

Had the pleasure of Bailey today, so thrilled I took the time to get to know her. She positively jumps for joy now when I go to her kennel rather than the initial worried guarding behaviour. Just need to take the time to reassure her and she’s a friend for life. She does love her walks and she’s eager to go, so you need to be strong and quick to keep up with her 0002.gif] whilst she seems a dream in a house, thanks for showing us that side of her Stephen bravo1.gif , she doesn’t have much lead training and she does lead the way, She settles down after the initial excitement but it’s still fast paced, we’re training her to heel but she will need a consistent training plan in a new home.
She good on the walk, doesn’t react to traffic , pedestrians or bicycles thumbs.gif. Looking forward to being part of her progression and hopefully there someone out there who can give her the time and love she needs cause she has loads to give back love4.gif
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