Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
- Posts: 129
- Joined: Mon 30 Mar 2020 18:47
Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
Chanel walked with a group of dogs on Sunday, she was calm and didn't bark at all (except once one she got surprised to see big Loki behind her at the start!). She is such a friendly and sweet little girl

Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
Little Chanel:
This little girl has a heart of gold. She carries surface nerves but once she suddenly trusts she is all over you like a rash. She loves nothing more than jumping on your lap to shower you with kisses and dance in your cuddles. She loves to gaze love into your eyes. Sadly little Chanel is her own worst enemy for not trusting people which may reflect her origins.
I think she probably lived outside as when she goes in the paddock in the morning and evening she stands by the door when ready to come in and looks up at you for your invite before she would be so bold to enter. Likewise when you put her food down she looks to you for permission. It's like "This is your house, can I come in...can I eat this food?" Ever the happy grateful guest.
This little girl has a heart of gold. She carries surface nerves but once she suddenly trusts she is all over you like a rash. She loves nothing more than jumping on your lap to shower you with kisses and dance in your cuddles. She loves to gaze love into your eyes. Sadly little Chanel is her own worst enemy for not trusting people which may reflect her origins.
I think she probably lived outside as when she goes in the paddock in the morning and evening she stands by the door when ready to come in and looks up at you for your invite before she would be so bold to enter. Likewise when you put her food down she looks to you for permission. It's like "This is your house, can I come in...can I eat this food?" Ever the happy grateful guest.
Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
I hadn't walked this little treasure for quite some time but today was my lucky day. Her usual and much loved walker was not able to make it to the kennels today and so I popped my head round the door to see if Chanel would be happy with me instead. She was more than ready to go out and was so excited at the prospect of going out into the sunshine in the woods. She is a delight - we had a great walk and when we were back in her room she enjoyed some treats. Such a little poppet with her spiky hair do and her shining eyes - can't wait to walk her again. 

Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
I walked Chanel today as I could see she hadn’t been out. I went into her room and she greeted me quietly and seemed eager to get out. Leads on and out we went. She was super sweet. We went up the lane and along the road. She was great with the traffic and waited quietly while I had a chat to a driver who had slowed down. She’s a pleasure to walk.
Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
I had a lovely walk with Chanel. We went off to the main road towards Smallfield. She wasn't phased at all by the traffic.
She enjoyed a walk along the bridle path and walks really nicely.
Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
Chanel is a great little dog. She loves getting out into the woods and putting her best little paw forward. She can be a bit dog reactive but that could never be a problem as she is so small and is always kept on a lead. The lucky person who takes her home of course would have to continue to keep her on a lead in public spaces - the rescue's policy. She gave me a fantastic greeting yesterday when I went to get her. Everyone should have a greeting like that at least once a day! When she looks up at you with that endearing, oh so cute, little face you know she is telling you that perhaps it is time for a treat - Chanel loves her treats! Great little dog! 

- Posts: 129
- Joined: Mon 30 Mar 2020 18:47
Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
I walked little Chanel for the first time in a while. I remember in the past she would always bark at me initially, unsure of my intentions. Then would bark anytime she saw another dog or strange person. She was like a different dog today. No barking or nervousness.
Just pleased to see me and keen to get out. She sat by the front door so patiently while I put the leads on. She didn’t bark once during the entire walk, despite seeing various other dogs and Jorgi the cat who refused to move from his spot lazing in the sun. We had to sit and wait for a bit while Mika was preparing to walk. Chanel just sat quietly on the table, such a good polite girl. Again no barking at Mika and they seemed like old friends walking together at a safe distance. On our return she encountered one of her favourite people Jan and was delighted running straight over with her tail wagging. Then she became a happy little lapdog.
I would say Chanel has become so much more relaxed and confident since she arrived. Now that’s she’s got used to the kennels and the people. But of course her new family would need to be aware that she’s initially nervous and takes time to get to know you. But once she does she’s the most perfect polite adorable little companion.
Just pleased to see me and keen to get out. She sat by the front door so patiently while I put the leads on. She didn’t bark once during the entire walk, despite seeing various other dogs and Jorgi the cat who refused to move from his spot lazing in the sun. We had to sit and wait for a bit while Mika was preparing to walk. Chanel just sat quietly on the table, such a good polite girl. Again no barking at Mika and they seemed like old friends walking together at a safe distance. On our return she encountered one of her favourite people Jan and was delighted running straight over with her tail wagging. Then she became a happy little lapdog.
I would say Chanel has become so much more relaxed and confident since she arrived. Now that’s she’s got used to the kennels and the people. But of course her new family would need to be aware that she’s initially nervous and takes time to get to know you. But once she does she’s the most perfect polite adorable little companion.
Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
It has been a while since this little dog has been written about on the forum so here goes.
Quite frankly, she is adorable! Ok she can be barky if she doesn't know you but that soon changes and you become her best friend. Give her treats, take her for walks and then you are her friend for life. The good thing is that you know if she doesn't want to spend time with you or is alarmed by you - she will bark and continue barking - her way of telling you to keep away.
I have started taking Chanel for a second little walk later in the day and she is more than ready to come out with me into the woods. She loves her walks and walks quickly and with intent. Every so often she will stop for a sniff and a treat - you know if she feels it is time for a treat as she turns those lovely eyes on you and almost asks for one! She is so excited when you go into her pen with your leads as she knows it is her turn to have fun outside.
She is a dear, affectionate little terrier once she knows you (that doesn't take long but be introduced if you can by someone she trusts). I just love my walks with her - seeing that sweet little dog rejoicing in being outside is a great way to end my day's walking at the kennels.
Quite frankly, she is adorable! Ok she can be barky if she doesn't know you but that soon changes and you become her best friend. Give her treats, take her for walks and then you are her friend for life. The good thing is that you know if she doesn't want to spend time with you or is alarmed by you - she will bark and continue barking - her way of telling you to keep away.
I have started taking Chanel for a second little walk later in the day and she is more than ready to come out with me into the woods. She loves her walks and walks quickly and with intent. Every so often she will stop for a sniff and a treat - you know if she feels it is time for a treat as she turns those lovely eyes on you and almost asks for one! She is so excited when you go into her pen with your leads as she knows it is her turn to have fun outside.
She is a dear, affectionate little terrier once she knows you (that doesn't take long but be introduced if you can by someone she trusts). I just love my walks with her - seeing that sweet little dog rejoicing in being outside is a great way to end my day's walking at the kennels.

Re: Chanel Spanish Terrier DoB 13.4.16 RRemedies Centre
I had my first walk with little Chanel yesterday. She has always barked at me before when she has been with her walker so I wasnt sure how she would be with me walking her but she was lovely. She was a keen walk as we followed Yogie and Scooby around the common.
When we got back we stopped for her to have some treats before I took her back to her room.
Hopefully she will remember me next time and we can enjoy another nice walk.
When we got back we stopped for her to have some treats before I took her back to her room.
Hopefully she will remember me next time and we can enjoy another nice walk.
