Current Status: Homed
Roxy's Story: Roxy and Winston lost their home after a fight with a resident dog. They have lived in a flat with 2 other dogs all their lives. Roxy is 5 years old. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving her life. Roxy is neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Roxy is in boarding kennels near Gatwick whilst awaiting her new family.
If interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.
Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.
Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Roxy's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.
Original Referral information: We were asked to take in Roxy and her friend Winston as an emergency to save them being put to sleep tomorrow
Roxy and Winston came into our Rescue on the 29th December 2021
Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 Newport Wales
Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 Newport Wales
Last edited by Rescue Remedies 3 on Fri 11 Feb 2022 13:36, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 RRemedies Centre
Katie walked Roxy with me and Winston Saturday. She is a very friendly girl and was pleased to be out, walking nicely although quickly. A lovely pair who I look forward to meeting again.
Re: Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 RRemedies Centre
Seeing that Roxy and Winston were enjoying some paddock time yesterday, I decided to join them and get to know them a bit. Roxy seemed the more confident one and came to greet me immediately. Her greetings are a little OTT and it took her a little while to realise I did not want her jumping up and covering me in mud, but that a gentle greeting with all four paws on the ground was more acceptable and then she got fuss and cuddles.
At one point, Winston instigated some play and Roxy was happy to join in. This did look like rough play but it was all friendly and very normal for staffie play. play time
At one point, Winston instigated some play and Roxy was happy to join in. This did look like rough play but it was all friendly and very normal for staffie play. play time
Re: Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 RRemedies Centre
So Roxy is a big, beautiful and oh so full of fun kind of girl and I've rather fallen in love with her
I've walked Roxy for the last few weeks and although she is a little, shall we say full of beans, she is also very responsive and loves being told what a good girl she is
and I'm pleased to say after 20 minutes or so she really finds her feet and starts to relax, she also absolutely adores her very best friend Winston and once they find their rhythm, they do tend to bustle along quite lovely together
So Roxy and Winston are quite the duo, Roxy is full of fun, Winston is more reserved, on a walk Roxy takes the lead and Winston will follow, but the sweetest thing ever is although our Roxy acts like the more confident one, every now and again she will seek out Winston and give him a nudge, just to remind him that she is there, it really is very sweet to see these 2 darling dogs take the greatest comfort in each other
So anyone who has walked with me and Roxy will know I am in awe of her, she's blinking fabulous and I'm loving every second of getting to know her and her lovely, lovely mate Winston

I've walked Roxy for the last few weeks and although she is a little, shall we say full of beans, she is also very responsive and loves being told what a good girl she is

So Roxy and Winston are quite the duo, Roxy is full of fun, Winston is more reserved, on a walk Roxy takes the lead and Winston will follow, but the sweetest thing ever is although our Roxy acts like the more confident one, every now and again she will seek out Winston and give him a nudge, just to remind him that she is there, it really is very sweet to see these 2 darling dogs take the greatest comfort in each other

So anyone who has walked with me and Roxy will know I am in awe of her, she's blinking fabulous and I'm loving every second of getting to know her and her lovely, lovely mate Winston

Re: Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 RRemedies Centre
And she is a very, very pretty girl 

Re: Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 RRemedies Centre

Roxy is the more bouncy of the two but as Jude says, so full of love and fun, she’s a gem

It’s lovely to see them bumping shoulders on their walk xxx
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Click here for our Dog Walking Questionnaire
Re: Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 RRemedies Centre
I was lucky to enjoy 2 walks with Roxy last week and she is just one of those dogs who makes me smile
right from the start of our walk through to the end, big massive grin on my face
in face I purposefully drag out our return to her kennel, I just love spending time with this special girl
Roxy is so keen to welcome a friendly face into her kennel, she can be rather excited, but she just loves her people and is very keen to show it
My walks with Roxy are a mixture of full speed ahead, this is her literally so happy to be out and about
then finally she will slow it down, relax and start to see what's going on around her, this is when Roxy is at her most beautiful, as she finally realises that the person on the end of the lead is there for her and she'll flash you a cheeky smile, so full of love and in that instant its impossible not to fall head over heels in love with this amazing, beautiful girl 

Roxy is so keen to welcome a friendly face into her kennel, she can be rather excited, but she just loves her people and is very keen to show it

My walks with Roxy are a mixture of full speed ahead, this is her literally so happy to be out and about
![woo woo.gif]](./images/smilies/woo.gif)

Re: Roxy Staffie x Lurcher DofB 03.01.17 RRemedies Centre
I love my walks with Roxy, she's such a beautiful, loving girl and also just a little bit cheeky
I was getting one of her neighbours ready for a walk the other day, when I glanced up and was met by a beautiful pair of brown eyes and big smiling face, yes Roxy was reminding me it was her turn to go out next, she's so beautiful it's impossible to resist her
Roxy is a young, energetic girl who is finding the kennel environment a little bit stressful and as soon as I enter her kennel she'll start dancing around and barking to let me know how very pleased she is to see me, but also very keen to get going and although bouncy, this clever girl always listens and we are harnessed and on our way in super quick time
Roxy generally walks with her friend Winston, which she loves, but she can be a bit of a steam train and pulls for the first half of her walk, meaning that she doesn't really get the most of her time out. We have found that a trip to the paddock to destress first, without Winston does wonders to slow her down
We make this time all about Roxy and the first thing she does once off her lead is to have a good old roll
it always surprises me that she doesn't just go crazy and run about like a loon, no Roxy is just happy to investigate and slowly, slowly she will begin to unwind and then the true Roxy comes out, a girl who loves a cuddle and being told what a good girl she is
which she really is, such a good girl girl with the biggest heart
We then meet up with Winston for a lovely social walk, Roxy always take the lead, very alert to her surroundings and hang on tight if she spots a squirrel
Generally, although fast paced our walks are pretty uneventful and Roxy will listen and she tries so hard to do the right thing.
Week on week I'm discovering more and more about this beautiful, slightly misunderstood girl and I'm loving every little bit, from her nose right to the end of her big old waggy tail

I was getting one of her neighbours ready for a walk the other day, when I glanced up and was met by a beautiful pair of brown eyes and big smiling face, yes Roxy was reminding me it was her turn to go out next, she's so beautiful it's impossible to resist her

Roxy is a young, energetic girl who is finding the kennel environment a little bit stressful and as soon as I enter her kennel she'll start dancing around and barking to let me know how very pleased she is to see me, but also very keen to get going and although bouncy, this clever girl always listens and we are harnessed and on our way in super quick time

Roxy generally walks with her friend Winston, which she loves, but she can be a bit of a steam train and pulls for the first half of her walk, meaning that she doesn't really get the most of her time out. We have found that a trip to the paddock to destress first, without Winston does wonders to slow her down

![woo woo.gif]](./images/smilies/woo.gif)

We then meet up with Winston for a lovely social walk, Roxy always take the lead, very alert to her surroundings and hang on tight if she spots a squirrel
![0002.gif] 0002.gif]](./images/smilies/0002.gif)
Week on week I'm discovering more and more about this beautiful, slightly misunderstood girl and I'm loving every little bit, from her nose right to the end of her big old waggy tail