We had a nice relaxing walk with Scoobie & Yogie on Sunday - such good boys together, easy to put their harnesses on, nothing much bothers them. Yogie can be a bit noisy if a dog pulls towards him or barks at him, but it doesn’t last long if the dog passes & I think it’s his way of saying “didn’t your mum teach you any manners”! Distracting him with a treat like chicken is a good ploy to avoid any noisy conflab. He’s so good - sits without even being asked!
Here’s a short snippet of their walk. One thing I’ve found with Yogie, is if he knows there’s a less muddy route to follow (one I don’t know about), he’ll take you that way These 2 are really long overdue for their forever retirement home.
I met a new fellow walker on Saturday and couldn’t resist the opportunity to walk the lovely Yogi & Scoobie. Such wonderful boys, so easy and no nonsense to walk. I had not realised how much I had missed them. Always a firm favourite of mine!
The boys enjoy a great bond so it’s great fun to go for an adventure with them both together. They gain a sweet calm confidence from each other and enjoy each other’s company.
A beautiful friendly pair who both love to spent time with the people lucky enough to enjoy time with them. X
Yogie is just a softie. Walked separately today from Scoobs so that you can see their characters in full glory. Yogie was happy to be harnessed and muzzled before our walk through the woods in the sunshine. He was after lots of love today, putting himself in front of me with his head pressed on me. Lots of cuddles and plenty of strokes on offer along the route. Such a sweetheart. A jogger came up behind Yogie and he wasn’t phased at all, just kept walking. We met a few walkers with dogs and Yogie was great, not a growl, just a bark! He is just a lovely dog and with Scoobie, they are the perfect pair. I have my fingers and toes crossed for them to be homed soon
Took Yogie and his bestie scoobie out yesterday and today
Yogie is so easy to get ready and without a doubt one of the easiest dogs you will ever walk
He is a real character and gives great eye contact loves a cuddle
Lovely boy
Wonderful well behaved slack lead 4km walks with Scoobie then Yogie. Frequent stops for sniffs and head and tummy rubs. Both choose to go around mud and puddles . No better way to spend a winter morning walk.
Yogie and Scoobie are our 'go to' dogs for supporting new walkers. They are just such easy boys. Yogie helped me out yesterday on a supported walk with his brother Scoobie and once again showed what a fabulous addition he and his brother would be to any family.
Yogie and Scoobie were my choice today for a new volunteer walker
They were super excited as always when they realised they were going for a walk
Jane got yogie ready and he was an angel for her on the walk
We went on the long walk around the woods and as ever they were both so beautifully behaved
On their return Jane gave them both some lovely treats
These two boys are so adorable
These boys are just looking for that forever home and so rightly so. What’s not to love. They are just the best to walk and a very easy walk too. We walked the boys this morning and it’s so lovely to see them walking so close together, it really pulls at your heart . A good stroll around the village and Scoobie shows his cheeky side by trying to see if you could run with him as he had a quick burst of energy from those long legs of his but the moment soon disappears and he’s back to enjoying his walk. He is a very handsome dog and I can’t believe they are still at the kennels
Yogie you are such a dream of a dog
Today he had a walk with Toni and showed her what a good boy he is getting harnessed and muzzle on
He walks so well for quite a big dog
I have never known him to pull just ambles along at whatever your pace is
Yogie so deserves a home of his own and am surprised this hasn’t happened as no one at the rescue has a negative word to say about him
Please consider these boys