Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Greyhounds and Lurchers that are available for adoption
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by bridgeford »

My first time walking Yogie yesterday - after the initial excitement of getting the harness on had subsided - we had a lovely calm walk round the woods in the sunshine (yes finally we had sun). Yogie was no trouble at all, looking but not pulling towards the squirrels and coping with the muddy conditions (he chose the driest root possible, he isn't a fan of mud, so only his paws were dirty at the end of the walk). We (there were quite a group of walkers and dogs) passed by other dogs and even horses without incident, Yogie was impeccably behaved the entire time. He is a lovely affectionate dog who would be an asset for any home love4.gif
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by Kate and Madeline »

We picked the boys up for a weekend foster today. Calm and relaxed. Love these boys!

On an evening walk
On an evening walk

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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

I don't often get to walk with Yogie and Scoobie as they are very popular. But yesterday I enjoyed a lovely, quiet, relaxed walk with them. I was walking with Yogie, Eli was walking with Scoobie. Where one sniffs, the other needs to get in there too. Yogie likes to walk in front, Scoobie doesn't care, he just enjoys being out and about. They are a wonderful duo.
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by Claire-Michelle »

I felt very lucky today to get the opportunity to walk the ever popular Yogi and Scoobie individually. I last had the pleasure of their company on the Charity walk, and given their beautiful bond I was interested to see how they would walk individually.

Yogi got the first turn and was ready to set off, though a little perplexed by my choice of route which did turn out to be a little overgrown. He was a little unsure but he sought comfort in a few strokes of his very soft head and was happy to trust me and continue on.

We had a good leg stretch without meeting another sole, and when we turned back his pace suggested he was keen to get back to Scoobie (who I was sure would be equally keen to have his turn). Our return was paused for a moment as we let some cyclists pass but Yogi was very patient and unbothered by their presence.

Just as we rounded our last corner on the homeward stretch we were fortunate enough to see a Buzzard swoop up into the trees. Yogi was not quite as fascinated as me but waited patiently while I took a photo of the impressive bird, so I took a quick picture of the very handsome Yogi too.

As much as we all love these two with their lovely bond and great walking temperament, we would also love for them to find their forever home soon.

IMG_0670 2.jpeg
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by lizanna »

Scoobie and Yogi are often chosen for taster walks with potential new volunteers, as they were today. They are calm and good-natured on walks, and always very pleased to greet you when you go to get them from their kennel.
Scoobie Yogi thumbnail_image0.jpg
Scoob Yogi thumbnail_image1.jpg
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by heleny »

They are a dream to walk, once they are over their initial excitement when greeting you. Not dog reactive, not traffic reactive, not people reactive, not particularly interested in squirrels. Perfect! Yogi can be dog reactive if another dog has a bark at him but is getting much better.
They also love treats so I take my treat belt off when I am walking Scoobie as he is very persistent.
They love contact and will sidle up to you for strokes even when they are in the paddock which does take away from zoomie time - Scoobie in particular loves doing zoomies.
One of them keeps up a little whine throughout the day - Yogie I think - it would be so good to get them into a warm, cosy house for Christmas and the rest of the cold winter.
These two would really be perfect for someone who wants a ready made dog family - the right someone of course. Kiss of love.gif Kiss of love.gif Kiss of love.gif
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Yogi continues to do well here with his 'Bruv! Scooby. He is so alert as a lurcher to wild life etc. We have started to muzzle train him so when out walking , like our greyhounds his instincts don't get free reign!
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by Beccastj »

Yogie was so good today walking in his muzzle. He was a little resistant to putting it on, but once out he seemed to forget about it and accepted it immediately. Once again a lovely easy walk with this lovely Lurcher pair.
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by Claire-Michelle »

I managed to fit in individual walks for our Yogi (and Scoobie today). Yogi was hesitant and a little nervous without his brother but took comfort in his walker.
We enjoyed a little walk through the woods; though Yogi wasn’t overly keen on the mud he did not refuse to continue our little exploration.

Yogi walked by my side, seeking stokes and love to reassure him as we went.
And who could resist this face.

We took a detour across an area of more open grassland where you get the impression that Yogi can smell all the wildlife that frequents it when he’s not there. This simply increased his confidence a little, but he didn’t get overly excited and he still walked beautifully on his leads not a single pull.

It would be so great to see Yogi and Scoobie find their home for life. Such a wonderful pair with so much love to give!
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Re: Yogie & Scoobie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by Claire-Michelle »

As another opportunity arose to walk my trusty favourites as individuals. I was able to join Yogi in his bedroom, where he showed me some beautiful sits on command for treats, and how good he can be about putting his muzzle on (thanks to a little cheese!)

Yogi was easy to harness and was willing to trust me to leave his beloved brother to head into the muddy woods.

We enjoyed a lovely gentle walk, skirting around the worst of the mud. We had a few pauses for some reassuring strokes but Yogi was willing to continue despite the facts we were mostly walking alone today.

Yogi is far more timid when without Scoobie who clearly increases his confidence. For a brief section to avoid another reactive dog we took a little detour into the open grassland where of course the wildlife smells got the better of Yogi and he couldn’t resist a little roll in the grass.

Just as I thought Yogi was ready to turn around and head back, he seemed to select a wilder path further into the woods. Soon after our deviation from the main track we then head a couple of horses with their riders gallop by on the main path we had been walking (nice save their buddy).

Having returned to main path for our return we crossed paths with a cyclist with a medium size off the lead dog. Having directed ourself slightly off the path into the trees slightly, Yogi was happy for them to pass nearby without any fuss or noise. Not to much further on I was reminded that Yogi isn’t always reactive but can still be upset by some dogs; as we crossed path (head on) with another bigger muzzled dog who gave off more confrontational vibes warranting some barking a slight lunging (Yogi is reasonably slight so this is not too difficult to deal with).

Given Yogi was merely voicing his worries, it was easy to carry on past (Yogi preferred to leave the situation) when there was sufficient space to do so.

Yogi was happy to get home to Scoobie and to receive a few treats while I prepared his brother to leave his walk.

This gorgeous pair are such a lovely walk with mainly loose leads. Yogi will sometimes get excited when scenting wildlife and can be dog reactive if in a confrontational situation (and should be kept away from cats) but he’s a lovely sweet, gentle, soft and loving boy who knows how to show off his skills for treats. A pleasure to be around! I do hope the right people come forward for this wonderful bonded pair.
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