Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Greyhounds and Lurchers that are available for adoption
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by heleny »

0093.gif :nicethread.gif: so lovely to see these boys relaxing in comfort - thank you. Kiss of love.gif
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 R Remedies Centre

Post by jan&nick »

you know what ure gonna get when you walk these boys- mega excitement when they first spot you making your way towards their kennel and even more mayhem when you go in as their joy at knowing they are going on a walk shows no bounds - once they exit their kennel calmness descends on them and they morph into the easy chilled out dogs us walkers love - they often walk with toby and no reaction was shown to him trailing a little way behind- a nice walk as always and either dog is more than ready to slip into their new home and receive the love and care they so richly deserve
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 R Remedies Centre

Post by heleny »

Yesterday afternoon, towards the end of a long day's walking, Becca and I took this lovely pair out for a short walk and to the paddock. The paddock was a quagmire and neither boy wanted to do their usual zoomies and chasing balls. It really has to be seen to be believed - anxiously waiting for the sun (and no rain) to dry it out.

Both boys just wanted cuddles and almost clambered onto our knees. We forget that, although they are very active and love their walks and zoomies, they also need their cuddles. They have been in rescue care quite some time now so it is important to give them some calm human contact.

Some home would so benefit from having the fun, loyalty and friendship of this amazing pair. That home is missing out now - these boys need to be kept safe and secure and would obviously enjoy time spent in a secure field or on long leads in a park as their future owners must agree to the on-lead policy. Yogie can be a bit dog reactive and so their future owner must be aware of that. I get the impression that once away from the hype of the rescue this could well improve.

Come on future home - are you just around the corner? wheyhey.gif
Kate and Madeline
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 R Remedies Centre

Post by Kate and Madeline »

We picked the boys up for a weekend foster today. Calm and relaxed. Love these boys!

Evening walk
Evening walk

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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 R Remedies Centre

Post by jan&nick »

another calm and non frenetic walk with these two great boys on sunday -yes theyre always so excited when they realize you are taking them out but once leaving their kennels they are totally calm and chilled and perfectly happy walking with little toby - another nice walk with this pair of topdogs
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 R Remedies Centre

Post by heleny »

They are exactly that - top dogs! Myself and a fellow walker take them out twice a week and they are great. Yogie continues to be a bit dog reactive but it's no problem as he is easy to distract and we walk on. Scoobie is always magnificently behaved - such a lovely, handsome boy.
At one point during the walk we try to take them into the large paddock as Scoobie especially loves to chase balls and to do zoomies. While he is doing that Yogie usually sidles up for some close contact and hugs, often laying his head on my shoulder if we are sitting down.
The bond between the two of them is enormous but they still need lots of human cuddles. As with most lurchers, you have to be a bit careful with treats - they will want them, and want them now so we save treat giving until the very end of the walk.
Someone who has a large garden or is prepared to take them out to a secure area for a run around, who has loads of love to give and a huge wish for doggy companionship would really benefit from having these boys in their life. love4.gif :crossfingers.gif: :crossfingers.gif:
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 R Remedies Centre

Post by anne »

I don't often get to walk with Yogie and Scoobie as they are very popular. But yesterday I enjoyed a lovely, quiet, relaxed walk with them. I was walking with Yogie, Eli was walking with Scoobie. Where one sniffs, the other needs to get in there too. Yogie likes to walk in front, Scoobie doesn't care, he just enjoys being out and about. They are a wonderful duo.
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 R Remedies Centre

Post by Hannydub »

If Scoobie and Yogie haven't been taken by the time we go to put our names in the walker diary, they are first on our list.

They are such wonderful, loving, easygoing boys. They get very excited when they know they are about to get taken out on a walk, but once those leads are on and you're out, I don't think you could ever find a calmer duo. Yogie does have a bark if you pass another dog, but he is so easy to control and distract, and get's over it instantly. We love these two, and they would be the one's we would take home in a heartbeat, if we could. These two would make someone somewhere very very happy.

Photo's from a few different walks, not all today :)
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 R Remedies Centre

Post by heleny »

Scoobie and Yogie are indeed a lovely pair of dogs and are just so easy to walk. Neither of them pulls so we walk with loose leads - Yogie's reactivity with other dogs seems to be much less and is no longer a problem.

They are so bonded with each other - this week we tried to take them to separate paddocks so they could each zoom about and have plenty of space but they were having none of that as they wanted to be near each other. One of them found a bone in a paddock and carried his trophy throughout the walk but it was easy to get off him when we returned. He just dropped it in the paddock as he realised, quite rightly, that we were going to separate them until the said bone was removed.

They are both so clean in their pen and would rather not soil their living space and so we try to get them out towards the end of the day knowing that they have had paddock time earlier.

They are big dogs who love human affection and contact and will often lean into their walkers for comfort and cuddles.

These dogs are really ready to go to their forever home having proved themselves in foster care and shown everyone what super stars they are.
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Re: Scoobie & Yogie Lurcher DofB ?2015 RRemedies Centre

Post by Claire-Michelle »

I felt very lucky today to get the opportunity to walk the ever popular Yogie and Scoobie individually. I last had the pleasure of their company on the Charity walk, and given their beautiful bond I was interested to see how they would walk individually.

Scoobie was very happy that his turn had come when I arrived back with Yogie, and we followed the same path I had taken before with Yogie so Scoobie could follow all the messages his best friend had left for him. Scoobie is the ever calm, unflappable, more confident of the two.

He was happy to be out and again our route was quiet and peaceful on a sunny and warm early autumn day.

After retracing our steps though the woods, and a quick photo taken of this handsome boy we returned to the centre where we met some other walkers; old friends and new. Scoobie greeted them alike with calm enthusiasm. We passed the cats on-site but Scoobie as always was completely unbothered barely registering their existence. He returned to happily to his kennel, for a well deserved drink and final treat as we said our farewells.

Though this bonded pair are a clear an easy favourite for many of the dog walkers it would be so lovely to see them find their forever home.

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