So our beautiful boy Sullivan enjoyed the most amazing walk yesterday and he had the biggest smile throughout
Sully has me wrapped around his big old paws, we have got into a really bad habit of Sully only really moving for treats, he’s very cheeky with it and although we enjoy the best ever cuddles and some wonderful time in the paddock and around the grounds Sully doesn’t really get to experience all of the things that a proper walk has to offer and so we have been widening his friendship group
So one of his new friends Simone recently took Sully to the secure field, joined by one of his old friends Emma and that big old smile of his stayed firmly in place and it looks like he had the time of his life, there is nothing quite like a Sully grin and that big, old body wiggle when he is happy, honestly this boy he will always make you smile

and it was so lovely to see him so carefree.
Over the last few weeks Sully seems to have found his wanderlust, it does seem to require a particular contingent of walkers and dogs, Sully can be choosy about his friends, but he’s very obvious in his likes and dislikes
Yesterday we had the most perfect group for Sully, it was the most amazing mix of our fabulous Mastiff’s, out front was the leader of the pack Hugo, next our darling Boo walked by me, then came Sully walked by one of his bestie’s Emma (he feels super comfy right in the middle and I think was a little bit in love with Boo

) then lovely Woody and bringing up the rear our amazing girl Berry, who is absolutely finding her feet

at one point Sully braved it and took the lead, honestly the look on his face was one of absolute delight and pride and I don’t think any of us walkers could have been prouder
I can’t believe that we had such a long walk, but Sully was in his element and returned to his kennel supremely content and very happy with himself.
I snuck into Sully’s kennel right at the end of the day for a little cuddle, oh how cute this darling boy is when he’s all snoozy and getting ready for bed, he still got a little excited but only really wanted a snuggle, honestly this boy he has my heart, he tucked his head right in and just stayed perfectly still just enjoying the closeness of someone who loves him, Sully once you have his heart he will love you forever