Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
Sully managed a wonderful long walk with April yesterday (the whole of my usual route), following myself and Percy. It was lovely to have him join us and to turn around periodically and see that gorgeous, happy face! He was quite content and Percy had no issues having a companion either - fab! 

Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
Bumped in to Sully and Jude twice today. He's a lovely boy who I've never walked with. I think that's going to change very soon
I got the big lean in and a bit of slobber to wit. Quality!

I got the big lean in and a bit of slobber to wit. Quality!
Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
Lucky me, I’ve managed to enjoy 2 walks with this lovely boy this week
well I say walk, Sully is not always keen to venture far (he is not a fan of the the mud!) he way prefers to stop regularly for cuddles, yes cuddles are definitely Sully’s favourite thing
Always a beautiful reception from Sully in his kennel, bouncing around with that massive smile of his, so very happy to see a friend and after a quick cuddle we set off. So on Monday it was looking good
we followed the lovely Busky Bear and his walker Anne, no hesitation from Sully heading out, he certainly took a shine to Busky, what’s not to like
he also really likes Anne, he knows her very well now as its usually her we follow when enjoying a social walk. Unfortunately after about 20 minutes Sully put the brakes on, so we took a slow stroll back to kennels, with lots of stopping to munch on grass and yes you’ve guessed it more cuddles. Now I’m going to let you into a secret, Sully cuddles are the very best, he’s like a big, squishy bear and absolutely loves it when I properly wrap my arms around him, he’ll stay perfectly still just relishing being close to his person and then he won’t move until I’ve planted a few kisses on the top of his head
and this is generally the theme of our time together, loads and loads of cuddles and kisses
and when Sully is happy the look on his face is just so lovely, honestly it’s impossible not to fall in love with this sweet boy
Before returning to his kennel Sully spotted another one of his friends Steven and he wouldn’t move on until he’d gone to say a proper hello, again he was more than happy to just sit and enjoy a lovely fuss and then the cheeky monkey tried to get in the back of Steven’s van.
Today was much the same except the sun was shining and so we enjoyed a lovely mooch in the sunshine and then it was back to the paddock for cuddles
I met Sully the day he arrived at RR and fell in love with him right there and then
I have spent lots of quality time with him since and I love the relationship I have with him, I count myself very lucky indeed to call him my friend, he is sweet and loving, he can be goofy and enjoys a zoomy
he does have a sense of vulnerability, but that just makes me love him even more and I will continue to make the most of his amazing company until his most perfect forever home comes along 

Always a beautiful reception from Sully in his kennel, bouncing around with that massive smile of his, so very happy to see a friend and after a quick cuddle we set off. So on Monday it was looking good

Before returning to his kennel Sully spotted another one of his friends Steven and he wouldn’t move on until he’d gone to say a proper hello, again he was more than happy to just sit and enjoy a lovely fuss and then the cheeky monkey tried to get in the back of Steven’s van.
Today was much the same except the sun was shining and so we enjoyed a lovely mooch in the sunshine and then it was back to the paddock for cuddles

I met Sully the day he arrived at RR and fell in love with him right there and then

![woo woo.gif]](./images/smilies/woo.gif)

- Posts: 1162
- Joined: Mon 02 Jul 2018 21:52
Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
Sully and I had our usual date on Saturday and whilst to start with Sully wasn’t keen to leave the grounds as we all know he prefers cuddles to walking once he spotted his good friend Winston he had a change of mind and just like that we were off for a lovely long walk.
Sully is a real character who knows his own mind and uses all of charm to get to his way
. Once he knows you he is the biggest cuddle monster but he does have nerves around new people and he is selective about doggie companions. After a short while out walking though he settles well with no pulling and enjoys the company
Sully is a real character who knows his own mind and uses all of charm to get to his way

Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
Sully is the biggest, most cuddliest of teddy bears

- Posts: 1162
- Joined: Mon 02 Jul 2018 21:52
Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre

Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
Yes, that really is a lovely photo Jude - portrait studio quality! 
Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
Sully is my go to for cuddles
he is an absolute cuddle monster and I adore every little bit of him
Sully’s face when I go to find him for a walk is just the best, massive, huge grin and he does a tippy toe dance of excitement
sadly the enthusiasm doesn’t last long as Sully is a reluctant walker, but I have found ways to make his time out as special as possible
So always an excited welcome in his kennel and Sully is a dream to harness, it generally starts out quite promising and if we can find a super, social dog that Sully really wants to follow all is great, but if he’s not feeling it then Sully will put the brakes on and give me the look that just says, not today thank you! But as I say we have a great time whatever. Sully adores being pampered, so on our last few walks we have had a little mooch around the grounds, then we head to the agility steps, where Sully heads right to the top, gets himself comfy and waits for me to give him a proper groom! He’s like a little Prince, so beautiful
I bring a grooming mitt and Sully loves it, all that dead hair gone, I’m sure it must feel lovely for him, his coat is gleaming, all fresh and lovely, on Wednesday we gave him a new red collar and he was looking super smart
I do take the opportunity when we are out to regularly have cuddles, proper, full on arms around Sully’s neck, kissing those squishy chops cuddles and if I’m lucky I’ll get a few little kisses back
Sully also really enjoys sniffing in the long grass around the grounds, sometimes he really takes his time and enjoys being calm and taking his time, he has been known to smell something so exciting that it brought on full on zoomies
not a problem though, as seeing Sully enjoy zoomies is quite possibly the best thing ever
Sully is a beautiful boy with so much love to give, it’s what he’s about actually, love and absolute loyalty to his people and I feel lucky to call him my friend

Sully’s face when I go to find him for a walk is just the best, massive, huge grin and he does a tippy toe dance of excitement
![woo woo.gif]](./images/smilies/woo.gif)

So always an excited welcome in his kennel and Sully is a dream to harness, it generally starts out quite promising and if we can find a super, social dog that Sully really wants to follow all is great, but if he’s not feeling it then Sully will put the brakes on and give me the look that just says, not today thank you! But as I say we have a great time whatever. Sully adores being pampered, so on our last few walks we have had a little mooch around the grounds, then we head to the agility steps, where Sully heads right to the top, gets himself comfy and waits for me to give him a proper groom! He’s like a little Prince, so beautiful

Sully also really enjoys sniffing in the long grass around the grounds, sometimes he really takes his time and enjoys being calm and taking his time, he has been known to smell something so exciting that it brought on full on zoomies
![woo woo.gif]](./images/smilies/woo.gif)

Sully is a beautiful boy with so much love to give, it’s what he’s about actually, love and absolute loyalty to his people and I feel lucky to call him my friend

Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
So it’s no secret I absolutely adore Sully, he is my go to for cuddles and if I’m feeling down he will, without doubt brighten my day, make me feel amazing and always, always fills me with joy, yes I love him very much
So Sully is a bit of a fair weather boy and isn’t always too keen to venture afar and so lately we’ve been enjoying some one on one time just mooching around, Sully really doesn’t ask for much, other than a little bit of love and a whole lot of cuddles
Sully enjoys the simple things in life and oh my goodness how easy it is to spend time with this gorgeous boy.
Sully adores his friends and oh how they adore him
on Wednesday, as soon as we had left his kennel we bumped into Darren, his fav male friend, Sully enjoyed proper, full on squishes
then he spied Anne, another of his special friends, slobber shared and he was happy to move on and then his smile grew a little bigger when he spotted another of his friends, Emma, who like me loves to indulge Sully in proper, full on kisses
I’m telling you it’s impossible not to want to kiss this darling boys sweet, happy face
I’m rubbish at photos, but if there’s one dogs true beauty and absolute joy I try to capture its Sully, he’s a very special boy

So Sully is a bit of a fair weather boy and isn’t always too keen to venture afar and so lately we’ve been enjoying some one on one time just mooching around, Sully really doesn’t ask for much, other than a little bit of love and a whole lot of cuddles

Sully adores his friends and oh how they adore him

I’m rubbish at photos, but if there’s one dogs true beauty and absolute joy I try to capture its Sully, he’s a very special boy

Re: Sully (Sullivan) Cane Corso DofB 16.05.18 RRemedies Centre
We have had the pleasure of walking Sully a few times in the past couple of months and he is now one of our absolute faves. He doesn't always want to go far on his walks, and can take some gentle encouragement to get going, but his slobbery cuddles and kisses are the best in the world. He is a big teddy bear, with a big old heart, who deserves a loving home where he can have cuddles on tap!