Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 RRemedies Centre

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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenn

Post by Jude&Alf »

Rubytues surpassed herself today, what a kind and beautiful girl she is love4.gif
As I went off to find get Rubytues ready for her walk I spottted Reilly with his walker looking a little unsure about heading out and so we thought lets give it a go and see how these 2 get on together, well I'm going to say they may well have fallen in love a little bit thumbs.gif
Rubytues is always a joyful walk, she is so happy to be out and about and today she taught the lovely Reilly how to have a little bit of fun too.
I love seeing dogs just getting on and Rubytues was so sweet today showing Reilly the ropes, I could see her looking back every now and again, letting Reilly know that all was good and filling him with confidence, bearing in mind Rubytues is still a baby herself she did an amazing job today and I could not have been prouder, well done Rubytues Kiss of love.gif
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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by KathrynG »

Walked Rubytues for the first time today and we had a great long walk. She gave me a very friendly and wiggly greeting and was easy to put her harness on.
Rubytues is quite pully initially but easily managed and once she settled she was walking more at my pace. She behaved so well on seeing other dogs, no reaction whatsover and sat and waited nicely to allow them pass.
She clearly enjoys being out on her walks, is very responsive and sits and takes treats well. Such a lovely girl, who will be a joy in the right home. love4.gif
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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Angharadbp »

Another lovely walk with Ruby today. Again when you go get her from her kennel she is very excited to see you. The last couple of times I have taken her out we have been for a walk followed by a play in the paddock. As soon as you let her off the lead she leaps around the paddock and really enjoys playing ball. On her walks she does pull to begin with but is more into sniffing everything around her as you get on a bit. I can imagine she will find her family very soon xx
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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Jude&Alf »

Rubytues is such a darling girl and she is fast becoming a super confident little leader of the pack thumbs.gif
I absolutely adore this beautiful girl, she is such a delight to walk and as soon as we get going her little nose goes down and she relishes every second of her walk, as do I.
More recently Rubytues has been encouraging some of the slightly less confident and more hesitant dogs how to have a bit of fun Rubytues style thumbs.gif this girl has so much energy that it just fizzes over and I'm sure it rubs off on her companions.
Today it was Tommys turn, I'm going to say that he was quite smitten with out Rubytues and she him actually, he is very handsome after all love4.gif she was very cute, letting him get close and giving off her wonderful happy vibes, wonderful walk with 2 amazing dogs love4.gif love4.gif
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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Jude&Alf »

Enjoyed another wonderful walk with Rubytues yesterday and I'm going to say it was just wonderful thumbs.gif
We were joined by her most favourite boy Tommy SR, these 2 have a bit of a blossoming romance going on and it's rather wonderful to witness. They're just so cute together, Tommy cannot resist having a little sniff of Ruby and she now lets him, while having a sneaky little adoring look back love4.gif love4.gif
It's no secret that I absolutely adore Rubytues, she's such a great girl with the most amazing zest for life and yes a moment spent with her will make you smile for a very long time thumbs.gif
Rubytues waits so patiently at the front of her kennel, big old grin in place willing you to come take her for a walk, I can never resist this darling girls beautiful face love4.gif
We always set off at a super quick pace but once we get going Rubytues settles into a slower pace, especially if she has Tommy by her side. This girl loves to sniff, which is great as it slows her right down and you can see her taking everything in, she's so funny though taking an extra specially long time, I'm sure she does it on purpose to make her walking companion wait just a little bit longer, cheeky girl.
Rubytues does have a few little nerves, it's only with some strangers and actually while walking with her kennel mates she's becoming more and more confident, she's doing so great and am loving seeing this among girl flourish Kiss of love.gif
I must post some photos as she is also rather beautiful love4.gif

Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Angharadbp »

Ruby was loving the snow today. She was very excited to get out and kept trying to eat the snow as it was falling down. I love doing tricks with Ruby as she’s so quick to learn, she’s picked up ‘leave it’ if I put a treat on my hand and doesn’t go for it until I say good girl. She’s always having a good smell of everything while we are out.
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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Jude&Alf »

Beautiful photo Kiss of love.gif
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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Mon&Chris »

Rubytues was so happy to see me this morning! She gave me lots of kisses and was very eager to go for a walk. It was really easy to get her harness and leads on. Angharad has clearly been doing some great training and it’s impressive to see how great Rubytues was at sitting and giving paw and gently taking treats. She is full of energy and after a walk in the woods, she was eager to go to the paddock to play with a tennis ball.
She’s full of energy and I hope she’ll find a suitable home very soon.
Smile! :)
Smile! :)
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There's something very interesting in the stream ... I really want to go there!
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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Satch »

I had the pleasure of walking RubyTues today as her regular Walker was not available. The hard work put in by Angharad was evident to see. RubyTues sat and gave me her paw and would not touch her treats until I said “good girl”. Although a strong girl and eager to be out and about, she was very good when passing other dogs and people. When I asked RubyTues to sit she focused on me. I really look forward to walking her again.
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Re: Rubytues Staffie DoB 2018 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Jude&Alf »

Enjoyed another fabulous walk with Rubytues today, she really is an absolute delight and has the most wonderful zest for life, I dare you not to smile when you meet this darling girl love4.gif
So from the start of our walk today Rubytues was a cheeky little monkey, as we were leaving her kennnel she spotted Annette, one of her other walkers and she would not move until she'd said hello, literally wouldn't move, she can be a little madam but because she's so gorgeous and she's never, ever unkind, I do indulge her and yes she has me wrapped around her little paws thumbs.gif
Rubytues is really starting to enjoy her walks with different doggie walking companions, she adores Tommy who she walks with regularly but more recently she's walked with Jaygo, on Friday he was a little bit forward for her liking but she forgave him and they than enjoyed another stroll out today and she was more than ok sharing her walk with him, she even checked back very now and again.
Rubytues is a little fizzbomb and she makes me smile, love this darling little girl Kiss of love.gif
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