Royce Cane Corso x Lab DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Mastiffs that are available for adoption
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by lainey29 »

Roycie Roycie Roycie a very special boy who just needs that special family to call his own. He just loves human contact, not great with other dogs or cats….got dragged into the bushes when he noticed Georgie the kennel cat roflmao.gif but such a loving boy who wants nothing other than cuddles and belly rubs Kiss of love.gif Love this boy
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by EmmaNicole »

With it being holiday season and several of Royce's regular walkers being on their hols I have taken the opportunity to spend some time with this cracking dog. Royce is initially wary or people but once he knows you and you've been welcomed into his gang he is the soppiest cuddle monster you'll ever meet. I am never allowed to get him ready for his walk until we have had a good few minutes of belly rubs and kisses. After that it is harness and muzzle on and off we go. Royce wears his muzzle very well and because he is nervous of strangers and dogs it is a necessary precaution to ensure there are no mishaps whilst out and about. Royce generally is happy happy to go for a good old walk which is always nice an leisurely, no pulling he just ambles along taking in the smells as he goes. Occasionally he is not in the mood though and will clearly direct straight to the path for the paddock which means, yep more cuddles with Royce love4.gif. In the paddock he will have a nice mooch about, occasionally getting animated if a dog passes by a little too close for Royce's liking and then he heads back over for more cuddles and belly rubs whilst he gives you his best soppy eyes and little kisses to show his appreciation.

Royce will need confident, experienced oweners who are willing to be patient with him and slowly help him to realise that people and dogs are not so scary really. In return though, once given time to settle and bond you will get one of the soppiest, most loyal dogs I've met. If you feel you could give Royce what he needs please consider putting in that application as he really would love a sofa to call his own again :crossfingers.gif: bighug.gif Kiss of love.gif
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by Lynds »

Royce is another dog we walk every Sunday.

I adore this boy. He has so much love for the people he knows and trusts. He enjoys walking through the kennel site as the walkers and staff can’t resist the chance to let this but lovely boy.

As others have said, he walks calmly and on a nice loose lead, enjoying the smells and loves to snort and roll around the long grass.

He actually has a very specific bush he loves to go right into and charge about inside whilst snorting and wriggling!!!

He is only a handful when we see other dogs. That’s why we walk him as a pair. He can be very strong and he gets upset and barky at other dogs if they are too near. He manages well at a distance, so all we need to do is make sure the one of us not holding the leads just walks at the front of our group and keeps half an eye on what’s up the track (cyclists or dogs etc) and if we see a dog, we just take a little detour and keep him at a comfy distance and everyone stays happy and calm. No pulling on the lead or stress. It’s all about preventing Royce getting in scenarios he is frightened by.
Though having said that, if he does get agitated, he soon calms and carries on his walk. He doesn’t obsess or hold onto anxiety. He soon moves on mentally.

He is a wonderful boy who I love spending my Sundays with. But he would make an amazing best friend for someone and I can’t wait for him to find his forever home. Those people will be so lucky to have all his love
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by Beccastj »

Sad? lonely? Pine for a warm greeting when you return home? Wish you had a cozy body to cuddle up to on the sofa? Miss staring into adoring eyes that show you that you are the most important person in the world? Forget Tinder and choose Royce.
All he wants is a quiet life, a garden, a sofa and someone to love. Be Royce’s perfect match - he so deserves it.
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by lainey29 »

Lovely walk with Royce today he is just the most beautiful boy. We start off with cuddles and belly rubs in his room before heading out, we had a lovely walk around the woods until Royce decided he wanted to go a different way thumbs.gif We had a burst of energy in the paddock followed by more cuddles and belly rubs. This boy just wants affection and in return you’ll have a best friend Kiss of love.gif he just wants to have his own special person, a friend, a cuddle bug to snuggle down with on his own sofa. He is a big love bug our Royce Heart fill with love.gif]
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

Lovely time out with Royce today. He's such a good companion and gives his friends 100%. I know he's not so calm around other dogs and strangers but that doesn't matter to me. He is 100% friend to those who get to know him. Royce is probably a few kgs overweight at the mo, but even so is a most handsome beast. His slight brindle markings and squarish jaw I find most attractive.
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by Lynds »

Totally agree with that sentiment.

Once Royce knows a person and trusts them (which only takes one meeting from what I have seen)
Then he LOVES them. REALLY and FULLY loves them.
It’s such a joy to walk him around the kennel grounds and for him to meet all the walkers who can’t wait to pet him. He walks over to each with his head down and bum wiggling away and gets in position to receive his strokes.

He is so so loving and cannot wait to greet people and get some affection. I haven’t seen such affection from any of the other dogs we have walked over all these years. He just wants to connect with people so much!

As you say, he gives 100%
It makes you feel amazing to be Roycie

I love him so much!
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by Lynds »

Look at that wonderful boy!
Look at that wonderful boy!
This photo was a couple of summers ago I think. I have been lucky enough to know Roycie for a while 😍
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by Lynds »

Royce is such a character. He loves his walks and gently mooches along, super relaxed (as long as there aren’t other dogs about).

His favourite part of the walk is visiting ‘his’ bush. He loves to get in there, snort about and rub himself all over it, under it and through it.

Heaven for the big man:
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Re: Royce Lab x DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

Nice long walk with The Royce today. Not many people or dogs about which is the way Royce likes it. Lovely soul Royce.
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