Royce Cane Corso x Lab DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

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Royce Cane Corso x Lab DofB 12.2016 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Available
Royce's Story: Royce was found abandoned and unclaimed within a Midlands council pound. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving his life. Royce is now neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Royce is in boarding kennels near Gatwick whilst awaiting his new family.
• Came into Rescue with zero confidence, puppy bladder with nerves: Has gained sense of self
• Still carrying a naivety in his relationships with dogs. Muzzled as can over react when initiates play or over zealous off lead dog due to sudden nerves
• Needs to keep moving around dogs as can over indulge and pull heavily towards
• Has lost fears around meeting strangers and now tends to fall on back and display tummy as his signature greeting

If you are interested in rehoming one of our dogs, please complete our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. It is always the first step in our rehoming process. Upon application, you must be ready to take in your new dog within seven days. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Royce's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal a different picture and positive skills as they build trust.
Original Referral information:
13.12.18: Hi Lynne and hope all is well with you. Here is the very scared Staffy x ?Rottweiler boy I spoke to you about. Owner tied him to railings in a cemetery and walked off. He chewed through lead and people tried to catch him but he was too scared. He made it back home and the owner did same thing again - and tied him to the railings at the pound instead and walked off.
Very scared boy. Pees in fright. Needs a gentle rescue to work with him. Please can you help. Carolyn xx
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Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by xxlynne »

Royce came into us today. He has surface nerves but soon is wagging his tail when you are talking with him. Lovely boy.
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Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by anne »

What a fab boy. Louise walked Royce this morning and he was friendly as soon as she entered his kennel. He walked nicely on the lead, no pulling, just ambles along, not taking much notice of passing people or dogs. Takes treats politely and gently.

Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by chloe_stockwell »

Oh wow this boy is fantastic! We were out for over an hour today and he really seemed to enjoy being out and about. Whatever breed he is crossed with gives him a lovely personality and he was keen to sniff everything and mark all the way round.

He loves other dogs, he had a quick nose touch with Otto on the way out and we came across 2 off lead labs, 2 off lead Springer spaniels and another off lead dog, all of which Royce said hello to very nicely when they came up to him, I was so impressed!

He walks like a dream, he seems to appreciate the length of the lead but wont try to pull any further.

He needs a little winning around when first getting his leads on, just seems a little unsure of why you're touching him but gives no reaction. Treats meant it only took a second for him to be ok.

He's such a handsome boy, is a little dribbly when he shakes his head and has a really funny curly tail! I wish I knew what he is crossed with 😂

Lots of love for this boy, he will be a great addition to a household - hope he doesn't stay long!

Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by CarolynRob »

Lynne as always we owe you and your amazing team so much. He has been well looked after by Adam and look angel13.gif] s so well.

Thank you for helping this very scared boy and giving him another chance at love.

Carolyn xx :goodjob.gif: woo.gif] love4.gif

Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Simz » Aw Royce, what a gentle sweetheart ❤️ It was very chaotic getting him out of kennels with all the other dogs barking at us, but quickly we were on our way. He walks well on lead, and is dog friendly, with just a little nerves. We met a westie called Angus today in the forest with his owner and he stopped for a chat, Royce waited patiently while we chatted and calmly had a sniff and nose touch with Angus. When the owner reached out to stroke him he did seem nervous with a slight flinch but a little encouragement and he was soon wagging his tail 😊 And hands down Royce gives the best cuddles! We shared some in the poets hut and in the paddock when he stands on his hind legs he can rest his front paws on my shoulders! He has super soft fur and such a gentle manner! Love him. love4.gif

Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Simz »

Another enjoyable walk with Royce today once we had exited the kennels. He definitely recognised me and gave me the warmest welcome into his kennel all wiggly and submissive, I cannot express how much of a darling he is, I honestly wish I could take him home with me! He loves having a sniff and a cuddle in the poets hut ❤️ And periodically he sweetly asks (with eye contact) for treats knowing he has been a good boy! Today we walked out by the main road where he showed no reaction at all to the busy road, and then rejoined the forest trail for the rest of the walk. He is not keen on the really muddy trails and stops to look at me like 'are you being serious? We're walking through that?!' But a little encouragement and he carefully plots his way through 😂🐾 He really has a great character and would bring plenty of love and laughter to the right family. Hope he finds his home soon, kennel life is stressful for him. ❤️

Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by chloe_stockwell »

Royce has quickly become a favourite of mine, he has genuinely got the most lovely personality! His confidence has grown a lot where he didn't bat an eyelid at me clipping his leads on this time.

I had my sister with me today on our walk who he hadn't met and he was immediately keen to say hello, getting his front paws up on her chest! Lots of cuddles were had all the way round on his walk and he likes to check you're still there frequently with those big amber eyes.

We passed a couple of horses today and he seemed to find them confusing, giving a bit of a dopey look, but nothing more. We also had a lady stop her car next to us and ask for directions, and again he took it all in his stride.

Lots of love for this boy!
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Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by KateM17 »

Fiona and I met lovely Royce today. How anyone could tie this boy up and abandon him is beyond me but enough said. Royce is a sweetheart, he is so very gentle. We popped up to the Poets Hut, where he got himself comfortable and was happy to take treats and have his belly rubbed! Royce is young and is keen to please. He offered up his paw (without asking for it!) and in return he was happy to accept a sausage! He has lovely soft fur and if we had had a brush with us, we would have given him a groom! We took him on a nice long walk, through the woods and up the path and back down again. He had no reaction to cars on the main road, doesn't particularly like walking in mud or puddles, so does he best to walk around them! There was a little growl at a passing pedestrian, so perhaps he is not over keen on men (just an observation on our walk), angel13.gif] but with time and love from all us walkers, I am sure he will get over any insecurities that he has, hopefully forget his past and will make a perfect companion. X
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Re: Royce Rottie x DofB 12.2016 Gatwick Kenns

Post by xxlynne »

well Royce has been on quite a journey in the last week. The first meeting he had on Saturday was with Tracey and Ray, with Ray taking the lead and having a lovely walk through the woods and receiving treats and lots of strokes. On Sunday Tracey and Ray bought the children Lai, Jazz and India and we ended up in the p[addock and the family spent over a hour and half with him and we were all so pleased how much he enjoyed the children's company.

On Tuesday Tracey and Ray bought their lovely girls Levi and Darcy and we introduced them one at a time. Both are slightly nervous and are not used to mixing with dogs theough are missing Diesel their Dobie friend who they sadly lost last year. After lots of walks and combinations we ended up with the entire family walking and Royce showing what a star he was and trying his hardest to settle Levi & Darcy.

On Wednesday I took Royce as my front passenger over to the family's home. The 'girls' hadn't ever had a strange dog on their territory and were a little alarmed I dared to come near even though Royce was out of sight. We all did a very long street walk and we ended up Ray walking Royce, I walking Levi and Tracey walking Darcy and the children as treat givers! Back at the house we walked in and through to the back garden. Here is a video about 20 mins after we arrived.

Saturday morning Ray is coming early and taking Royce over to the home and spending the day starting with a long walk with the girls. :crossfingers.gif:
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