Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

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Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Available
Governor's Story: Governor's was found with his dead owner and there were no next of kin or contacts able to take Governor in. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving his life. Governor is neutered, chipped, and undergo vaccinations. Governor came in to our Rescue Centre nr Gatwick whilst awaiting his new family.

If you are interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Governor's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.

Original referral information: 16.1.25: Police called us they had found a dog with his deceased owner and had nowhere for the dog to go. They asked for help.

Governor came into RescueRemedies on the 17th January 25
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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

Jan Case
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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jan Case »

Governor has proved a massive hit with our walkers, dear little soul who is very popular! Nice sassy strut when he walks and very friendly. He is currently recuperating in foster after surgery love4.gif
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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

Post by nhelyer »

And we are the very lucky people who have the privilege of dear Governor's presence whilst he recovers from his surgery and enjoys a bit of (very well deserved) TLC after all he has been through. I was waiting to be able to include some lovely sunny photos of Governor with my first update about him but with the weather as it is, I thought I'd best crack on otherwise it could be a while! He has only been with us 48 hours but he's an absolute gem. Here's what we have learned so far:

When we arrived to collect Governor he was wearing a cone on his head, to protect him post surgery. Nonetheless he jumped into the car easily and settled immediately. It was a 1.5 hour journey home and he was fabulous … sat up watching the world go by for the first 5 mins and then … sparko! Just chilled snuffles and snores for the rest of the journey. We’ve done several car trips with him since and can say he is a very good traveller and perfectly happy in the car for shorter or longer journeys.

Once we got home Governor had a good explore of the garden and house. We then did a little walk around the village (he walks beautifully on the lead with, as Jan has said above, the most adorable little strut and bum wiggle!), fed him his tea, and day 1 one was done. He was super polite about everything … waited to be invited up on to the sofa, very playful but not OTT and incredibly gentle with it, sits for his food and treats (I didn’t ask him to, he just automatically sat), takes anything you give him SO gently, doesn’t beg, and is impeccably behaved around food. We’ve even had our supper on trays on the first evening, on our knees, and he just lay down beside us whilst we ate. He’s super affectionate and cuddly and loves to lean against you. We were instantly smitten! love4.gif

I was prepared for a very disrupted first night but nope … I put his bed in our bedroom, he hopped straight in it, we turned out the light at 11pm and … he was still fast asleep at 8am the next morning, without a peep during the night! Incredible. The only thing I would warn you about is that this boy can SNORE!! roflmao.gif

Yesterday and today (his 1st and 2nd full days with us) have been stormy, with endless torrential rain. Governor is most definitely not a fan of the rain and would much prefer to keep his hair and feet dry, thank you very much! But he’ll go if you insist. On walks he makes every effort to skirt around puddles (although is fascinated by his reflection in them!) and would rather not walk through mud either, thank you, so if you want a very clean house this boy is for you!!

Governor is totally clean in the house without a single accident … he hasn’t skipped a beat and just goes to stand at the door when he wants to go out.

We’ve had 3 visitors to the house since Governor arrived and he’s welcomed them all like long lost friends. So polite though, again, with just lots of wiggly enthusiasm, very gentle greetings and no jumping. One of our visitors was a 94 year old friend who is very unstable and uses a walker. Governor greeted her beautifully, so gentle with her, and was totally unfazed by the walker. He likes to carry something in his mouth when people arrive so he has an old stuffed toy serving that purpose for him now.

Our walks haven’t been long ones since Governor arrived, because the weather has been so bad. But he waits to get out of the car when you tell him and walks on a loose lead almost all the time (the odd bird or squirrel will excite him but as soon as he hits the end of the lead he stops … he’s super responsive to any pressure on the lead). He’s obviously a powerful, strong boy, but I am slight, weigh about 8.5 stone and have very arthritic hands, and have been managing him without any difficulty at all (even in the bird and squirrel moments!) He's a breeze. He ignores other dogs out on walks … just looks and pootles on. This afternoon we walked him with our neighbour’s Pointer and he was absolutely fine. He said a quick hello and then she charged off to do what Pointers do, and Governor just set about following her. No sign of him having any concern around her, nor of other dogs we’ve passed on walks. We’ve not had any off lead dogs charge up and right into his face yet (rude!) but early signs are good. He is so affectionate that I think he'd prefer to be an only dog in the home though, although the homing team will advise on that.

On the subject of walks, I get the feeling that dear Governor has had quite a sheltered life thus far and has likely been a “townie”. He’s rather perplexed by most things “countryside” (mud, piles of logs, strange shaped trees …) He’s not frightened, just exceptionally curious in a “What on earth is that?” kind of way and is clearly much more used to pavements.

Governor has obviously been very well loved as he’s super affectionate (an absolute joy!), is in absolutely fabulous condition (perfect weight, glossy coat, no signs of any skin issues), is such a happy boy in his own skin, and hasn’t shown any sign of worry or concern in any regard. He obviously finds himself in rescue through no fault of his own, just tragic circumstances, and deserves absolutely everything of the best going forward, bless his heart.

So that’s a little summary of our first 48 hours with this absolutely smashing boy. He’s utterly, utterly fabulous and whoever is lucky enough to have him join their family will have truly won the lottery!

Just a few photos here but I’ll post more soon.
More snoozing
More snoozing
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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

Post by nhelyer »

Another wonderful day with dear Governor, who is now so incredibly well settled that you’d think he’d been here for years! love4.gif

This morning we (unexpectedly) both had to be out, with our appointments overlapping by 30 mins. We um’d and ah’d about whether one of us should take Governor with us (and leave him in the car during our appointment) or leave him alone at home. As he is so settled and such a chilled boy we decided we’d leave him comfy at home, after a good walk. We made sure he saw us leave (so wouldn’t be looking for us) and off we went, with a wee bit of trepidation. I was the first home and … there was Governor, fast asleep on the sofa, totally relaxed, and with absolutely nothing in the house out of place! woo.gif] Amazing, after such a short time with us and after what he’s been through! Honestly this boy is so chilled and easy, affectionate, funny (it’s like living with a permanent comedy act 0002.gif] ) and basically just downright Mr Perfect!

I didn’t mention Governor’s cleft palate in my first post, which you can see in the photos, but that was because he’s so untroubled by it that I clean forgot about it too! He eats and drinks completely normally and most people we meet out and about don’t even notice it. We think it just makes him look extra cute! love4.gif

We don’t have young children in the house any longer but Governor has met many whilst out and about. I took him out yesterday at “school out” time and he couldn’t have been more thrilled with all the attention he got, bless him. He just stood there basking in the adoration, with his wiggly wiggly tail going nineteen to the dozen, so gentle and appropriate.

I’ve tried hard to think of anything even remotely negative to mention, just to balance out all my gushing about this beautiful, beautiful boy but I honestly can’t think of any! If you have a Governor sized space in your home, heart and sofa just fill out the application form … he’s an absolute GEM!! :yes.gif:
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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

Post by nhelyer »

In between our walks and plays in the garden and in the evenings, we do a lot of snoozing (and snoring ... turn your volume up! 0002.gif] ) ...

And in the mornings we need to check the news on our iPad first thing ...
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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

Post by nhelyer »

Dear Governor has been with us for one week now and is starting to unpack his suitcase (having previously just unpacked his overnight bag)! He remains the same cuddly, affectionate, obliging boy and it's been lovely to start seeing his cheeky side start emerging. When he came to us he was only 24 hours post surgery and he's obviously feeling a LOT better now, love him love4.gif

More things we have learned about Governor:

He really wants to carry something soft in his mouth when he gets excited (e.g. when you get home after he's been left for a short while, or when new people arrive). He'll prance around with one of our slippers or a bit of fleece, or an old teddy ... anything soft will do! He doesn't damage it at all; just gently gums on it. He finds "gumming" on soft things very soothing and we quite often notice him gently gumming the blanket in his bed, with a dreamy look in his eyes. Super sweet.

He does love a soft toy but like most bull breeds anything with stuffing in it will be shown no mercy! 0002.gif] We bought him a soft furry alligator which has no stuffing (from a range of toys called "Roadkill"!) and he loves that, and hasn't damaged it at all. And despite the de-stuffing of a few toys he hasn't touched a thing which isn't his ... we've got loads of cushions and throws and he's never shown a jot of interest in anything other than what he knows is his.

He is delighted to share anything with you. He likes you to pretend to chase him when he has a toy in his mouth but will shove it into your hands to play with if you "catch him". Likewise with food ... absolutely no guarding or preciousness there either. When he's getting down to the bottom of his bowl of food I've "helped" him by sticking a fork in to move all the last bits into the middle, and he's been totally relaxed. thumbs.gif

He is much better with the Hoover than our previous dogs, who have all thought it a great game to chase! As long as you Hoover away from him (rather than directly AT him) he couldn't be less bothered and just carries on snoozing. If you Hoover directly towards him at close quarters then it does become a good game though ... which is fair enough! :biggrin.gif:

The more time he's with us the more we realise how "novice" he is. We originally thought it was just the countryside that he wasn't used to, but even around the village he's been surprised by some fairly normal things (a red post box, a statue) ... not in a bad way, just "What on earth is THAT?!" We still think he's more used to urban life though as traffic (even loud lorries), joggers and bicycles don't phase him one jot.

Related to his "novice-ness" I think ... He walks beautifully on the lead 90% of the time but will pull if he sees a leaf blowing in a hedge, a bird in a hedge, or something else that he's not sure what it is. On this morning's walk he spotted a horse in the distance (in a field behind a secure fence) and he pulled towards the fence quite strongly. He just wanted to stand and look, not upset in any way, but he can be strong when he wants to be.

He absolutely loves people of all ages! Throughout the week we've had several visitors who he's welcomed with (very polite) delight and been totally faultless with. We've not had any small children here but he's drawn to any children on the street, with his tail wagging nineteen to the dozen, so I wouldn't be worried about small children visiting us.

He is happy to have a very active day or a totally chilled time at home. There have been occasions during this last week when he's had 3 good walks and others when he's had just one, and not until 2pm, and he couldn't have been less bothered. So if you want a dog who is up for anything but equally happy to just chill with you, he's your boy.

Governor is our first experience of a Bulldog and what an education he has been, in the most delightful way! We totally understand now why so many people absolutely LOVE the breed. It's like living with the most affectionate permanent comedy act! Love him! love4.gif love4.gif love4.gif

With my "Roadkill", nibbling!
With my "Roadkill", nibbling!

Just keeping an eye on you :-)
Just keeping an eye on you :-)

And just a couple of short videos of Governor out walking, so you can see "how he rolls" 90% of the time ...

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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

Post by nhelyer »

I've experienced many very gentle mouthed dogs in my life (in terms of taking food) but dear Governor takes the biscuit (pardon the pun 0002.gif] )!! He is so incredibly gentle bless him ...

And we realised today that he has been taught "Paw" in the past too love4.gif We wonder what other tricks he may have up his sleeve to teach us yet! :biggrin.gif: ...

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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

Post by sweetpea »

Does his cleft lip affect his eating .....
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Re: Governor Bulldog DofB 16.12.20 Liphook Temp Foster

Post by nhelyer »

No, not at all. Much to our surprise he eats and drinks completely normally.
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