Current Status: Homed
Bueno's Story: Bueno came with his Clowder of cats. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place. Bueno is neutered, chipped, and undergoing vaccination. Bueno is in Gatwick Cattery whilst awaiting his new family.
If you are interested in rehoming one of our cats, please complete our Cat Homing Questionnaire. It is always the first step in our rehoming process. Upon application, you must be ready to take in your new cat within seven days. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.
Please support our work and help our long stay cats: Our minimum adoption donation is £175. This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our cats need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our cats back-up for life.
Bueno's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our cats, who often reveal a different picture and positive skills as they build trust.
Original Referral information: We were asked to help a clowder of cats who came out of a hoarders flat. They are friendly and probably all related in someway or another. They were neutered, chipped, flea treated and wormed on entry. They have had 1st vaccination on the 13th July 24
Bueno came into RescueRemedies on the 14th July 24
Nero (Bueno) SHD DofB ?2021 Crawley
Re: Bueno SHD DofB TBAss RRemedies Centre
Bueno is adorable. Very funny, friendly nature. Loved attention and very flirty and just so cute.
Look at that face… how can one resist
Terri: volunteer
Look at that face… how can one resist
Terri: volunteer
Terri: Rescue Remedies cat cuddler
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
- Posts: 314
- Joined: Mon 22 Jan 2024 07:09
Re: Bueno SHD DofB TBAss RRemedies Centre
Loved having cuddles with this cutie today who is cetainly very friendly and loving, and will do anything for some treats!
Follow our cats on Instagram @rescueremediescats 
Re: Bueno SHD DofB TBAss RRemedies Centre
Bueno Is a handsome, friendly, loving cat with a lot of energy x
Terri: volunteer
Terri: volunteer
Terri: Rescue Remedies cat cuddler
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Re: Bueno SHD DofB TBAss RRemedies Centre
Bueno is a lovely friendly cat who is always the first to come and say hello. He likes being brushed which is lucky as he has an amazing bushy tail.
Re: Bueno SHD DofB TBAss RRemedies Centre
Oh Bueno… such a softy! Adorable xx
Terri: volunteer
Terri: volunteer
Terri: Rescue Remedies cat cuddler
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Re: Bueno SHD DofB TBAss RRemedies Centre
Such beautiful eyes, such a lovely nature. Hard to resist
Terri: Rescue Remedies cat cuddler
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Re: Bueno SHD DofB TBAss RRemedies Centre
I love Beuno… he is stunning and really loves attention. Full of character. Be a lovely family cat..
Terri: volunteer
Terri: volunteer
Terri: Rescue Remedies cat cuddler
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Watch some videos of our beautiful cats at:
Re: Bueno SHD DofB ?2021 RRemedies Centre
Sophie and Barnie arrived to meet Bueno and Flake and it was as though they knew