Me and Jack took Royce to his third secure field (with us) yesterday
It makes us so happy seeing him run around off lead, his silly puppy side really comes out !
He made the absolute most of the hour and explored every inch of the 6 acre field
We can’t wait to take him again soon
Another little trip to the secure field for Royce today
As always he greeted us with the happiest of welcomes when we entered his room, he has the waggiest tail and is so easy to harness and muzzle up.
He knows exactly where he’s going when my car is parked right outside the kennels and he heads straight to the boot
Even though he’s more than capable of the jump up, he much prefers just popping his front paws up and having me lift him in he’s not the smallest or lightest of boys but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way
Royce is the best behaved dog I’ve ever had in my car including my own!
He never makes a single sound and every time I look up in my rear view mirror I just see him gazing out the back window perfectly content.
I always book a field I can just drive straight into and close the door behind us to make it nice and easy.
Boot open and muzzle off, Royce is free to run around and be the happy and affectionate boy he is for a full hour.
Today seeing as it was valentines weekend we brought him a little teddy and some heart shaped treats
I think he agreed to be our valentine