Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 RRemedies Centre

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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 Em Boarding

Post by coffeepot12 »

Lovely Lottie came to stay with us for a short break and she is a really bundle of joy. She got in the car fine with a bit of encouragement and travelled well, enjoyed having her head out of the window for a good sniff.


She is clean indoors, and loves going for walks. She can be fairly strong on the lead initially but does get a bit lighter once you get going. She does have a keen interest in small furries like squirrels so important to keep an eye out so you don’t go flying, particularly in the mud! She meets most dogs well but did growl a bit at small dogs, particularly barky ones.


At home she is interested in everything and if you don’t close doors to the kitchen she will counter surf or put her head in the bin for a rummage. We didn’t leave her on her own at all, so not sure what she would be like but she does enjoy sniffing out exciting things, balls, treats and toys roflmao.gif

She slept well during the night on the end of the bed and once settled is a bit of a dead weight and will snooze happily until someone gets up.

She does take treats gently and will sit when asked, but hasn’t quite learnt the finer table manners yet and will nudge and get right up to you at the table or if you have food. I am sure with some more training she would be less excitable.


Lottie has the most wonderful colour and her fur is super soft. She loves cuddles and meeting new people and would be a super addition to an active home. Probably not for young children due to her size as she thinks she is a lap dog. Lottie steals the hearts of everyone she meets.
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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 Em Boarding

Post by RosC »

Lottie is gorgeous and had a great walk today with Dylly. They walked nicely together and even gave each other a little kiss love4.gif
She is so calm and doesn't seem phased by anything whilst out. Hopefully her forever home is not far away :crossfingers.gif:
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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by StephenB »

Had Lottie for an overnight stay. She's superb! Would have kept her till the new year, but unfortunately not possible.
Plus points: Many!
Loves her food....and mine if she could. Will bin dive. All forgiven because she's so nice about it all. Met everyone well except 2 friends of mine who she did growl at. She does carry a few nerves.
Definitely coming over again, but hope she's gone by then.
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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by KathrynG »

Gorgeous Lottie enjoying the mud today. I adore this girl - gives such a warm greeting in her kennel. We had a lovely walk - half solo and then we joined the back of the pack for the remainder which she was very happy about!
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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by SophieM »

I love love LOVE this girl!!! Very affectionate, loves a treat and a run around, nosey about other dogs but didn’t seem too bothered about any of them passing the paddock. She has her bouncy moments which I just find wonderfully wholesome. Perfect all rounder for what you’d want out of a dog in my opinion💜
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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by anne »

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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by SophieM »

More paddock time with this bouncy baby yesterday. I’ve been just taking her to the paddock as her paw is still causing her a tiny bit of jip, but definitely getting better.. good enough to zoom at me and give me a nice big cuddle. She has so much personality, she is bouncy and excitable and then she has her calm and cuddly times too, she listens to commands but does get excited so doesn’t always stay seated to wait for a treat, but even after a few times of me telling her to wait she started paying attention so I think she’d be lovely to train, but secretly I love that little bit of impatience in her and find it very charming. If I could, I think Lottie would be my pick of who to take home and adopt. She is so friendly when meeting new people and I’ve never had any issues passing dogs.
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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by SophieM »

Went for a late walk with Lottie today just before it got dark, so unfortunately didn’t get any pictures but I think she really liked the snow! She bounced from patch to patch and seemed really excited by it. She’s a bouncy girl, she’s got such a big personality! Every time when I go into her kennel I am always greeted with the absolute best cuddles from Lottie, I love her walks from start to finish. She loves her food, so I think she would be amazing to train, and she walks wonderfully and just has her random bouncy moments, when she’s off lead in the paddock she gets zoomies and it always makes me giggle! I think she would LOVE a day out at a secure field!
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Re: Lottie Cane Corso DofB ?6.6.20 RRemedies Centre

Post by SophieM »

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