Current Status: Available
Magic's Story: Magic was taken into care on welfare grounds and he needed his back leg to be taken off at a pelvic level. Magic has adjusted well. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving his life. Magic is neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Magic came in to our Rescue Centre nr Gatwick whilst awaiting his new family.
If interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.
Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.
Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Magic's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.
Original referral information: We have been asked to help Magic Vx
Magic came into RescueRemedies on the 28th February 23
Magic Staffie x Bulldog DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
I met Magic briefly today and took him out for a comfort break where he met one of the pups. He is such a friendly and gentle boy. I look forward to seeing him next week and watching his progress of adapting to life on 3 legs - we can learn so much from our furry friends about resilience. I hope he finds his forever home very soon.
Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
Magic has arrived and wowed all the volunteers who met him yesterday. He is a very friendly, gentle boy who seems to love everyone and enjoy the company of dogs too. I observed how gentle he was meeting Billy pup yesterday.
He has had some major surgery he needs time to recover from but he is being showered with love and attention and will be a very popular boy at RR.
He has had some major surgery he needs time to recover from but he is being showered with love and attention and will be a very popular boy at RR.
Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
I met the beautiful Magic yesterday and wow what a lovely boy he is. Considering he’s just had his leg amputated you would never know. I’m sure he will be running around like an athlete soon. He was the happiest boy saying hello to everyone and met the lovely Bella and Billy with a sniff and a tail wag. I look forward to walking Magic when I’m next up.
Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
I briefly met Magic on my visit to the kennels today and he's a very handsome chap. (Lesson learned - I was admonished by Becca for calling him "pretty"!
Considering he was wearing a cone and has had major surgery recently, he was ever so calm when greeting and taking a treat from me. Plus, from what I saw, mobility was not an issue at all - it's quite amazing how resilient these fanstastic creatures are.
I shall walk you on my next visit Magic, assuming you've not been snapped up in the meantime.
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Considering he was wearing a cone and has had major surgery recently, he was ever so calm when greeting and taking a treat from me. Plus, from what I saw, mobility was not an issue at all - it's quite amazing how resilient these fanstastic creatures are.
I shall walk you on my next visit Magic, assuming you've not been snapped up in the meantime.

Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
I took Magic out for a walk around the grounds yesterday. We hadn’t met before but got a wonderful wiggly welcome and he was keen to get going!! As others have said, he isn’t letting anything stop him. He had me laughing a few times too, just a charmer. 

Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
So Magic has had all his stitches removed and his skin has healed really well. He is really settling well and his walking is perfect without 'hopping' just smooth forward motion.
We have put his original X-ray up above to show what was going on when he first came in on welfare grounds before his Op. and before he came to us. The leg muscle was very withered and he wasn't using it as a prop., which was probably partly due to pain memory as you can see the hip joint was complete disassociated from the receiving socket. Also there must have been sensory loss for him to locate it in space to make use of it. Better off! Better off.
We have put his original X-ray up above to show what was going on when he first came in on welfare grounds before his Op. and before he came to us. The leg muscle was very withered and he wasn't using it as a prop., which was probably partly due to pain memory as you can see the hip joint was complete disassociated from the receiving socket. Also there must have been sensory loss for him to locate it in space to make use of it. Better off! Better off.
Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
Magic has the biggest staffie type smile imaginable! I took this very striking boy for a walk last week and was somewhat surprised by the pace he set! Magic likes to walk quite quickly, as does his tri-paw kennel mate Logan, so I wonder if it helps with balance at all? Anyway we set off at his pace rather than mine, and I soon realised that this lovely young lad is not letting missing a leg hold him back at all. Everything was interesting, we went on a long walk and he would happily have continued, although he was also happy to go back to his room at the end and have a chicken chew!! He grabbed the leads a couple of times, wanting to play,(not a good idea by the side of the road as I explained to him) but was easily distracted and reacted quickly to the word "No'! Magic is a young, bouncy and enthusiastic young dog with lots of energy 

Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
I took Magic out for some time in the paddock followed by a long walk. He loves playing with a ball in the paddock and then decided to sunbathe
He seemed very happy and relaxed when we got back to RR and chose to have another lie down.
He’s very affectionate and kept coming over for a cuddle.
We then went for a long walk. He was very good on the walk - passing horses, bikes, people and cars with no reaction. He patiently sat when I stopped for a chat and didn’t grab his leads at all. He walked at a good brisk pace which suited me. He seemed very happy and relaxed when we got back to RR and chose to have another lie down.
Re: Magic Staffie x DofB 23.10.21 RRemedies Centre
What a great boy Magic is! Magic is always first on my walking list. He loves to go for long walks, walking at a reasonably fast pace, despite being a tri-paw! He doesn’t react to traffic, bikes, horses, other dogs or people. If anything, he just wants to greet them all with his smiley face! When getting him out of his kennel, he always greets me excitably and cannot wait for his walk to begin! On walks, sometimes he gets excitable and likes to roll around or rag on the leads. Treats usually do the trick to stop this! Once he gets it out of his system, he swiftly likes to continue on the walk. Today, I took Magic into the paddock and he loved to chase the ball, although he doesn’t always want to bring it back! He usually just came back to me looking for some affection. Hopefully Magic will find his forever home soon. He would make an excellent companion.