Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

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Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Available
Bailey's Story: Bailey has grown up in a family home with young children but due to relationship split she and her male owner were made homeless. Bailey has been passed around and began to lose her confidence and her original owner found our Rescue and brought her into safety. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving her life. Bailey is now neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Bailey is in boarding kennels near Gatwick whilst awaiting her new family.

If interested in rehoming one of our dogs, the first step is to complete and submit our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. We do not discuss dogs without a homing questionnaire submission. You must be ready and we will only contact you if we have a suitable dog. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum Adoption Donation is £250 (£400 for pup under 1 yr old). This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers in particular. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Bailey's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal an evolving picture and positive skills as they build trust.

Original referral information: We have received 4 calls over the Bailey over the past 4 months as she moved homes and finally it became very urgent so we took her in to make her safe.

Bailey is being helped by Rescueremedies/ Terrierrescue / Staffierescue
Kailey (2).JPG
Jan Case
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Re: Bailey Staffie x DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jan Case »

Sitting quietly outside Bailey's kennel with cheese, we progressed to her actually taking it from my hand. Brave girl love4.gif
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Re: Bailey Staffie x DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Bailey came in to us after a frantic call received from her 3rd owner who were labelling her heavily and insinuating they had no option but to put her to sleep. They had no trust. I talked for about 30 mins and asked the original owner to call me so I could unpack Bailey, and agreed to take her. No one called. Independently her original owner called 4 days later and began talking about a dog, I asked is she called Bailey? I then remembered and asked had he called me 4 months previously and sent me a video of her. He said I do believe that was me, and it was just before I passed her to a friend where she ended up being crated and frightened, then passed to a relative. He had just been to see her and she recognised him. I asked him to bring her in that day. Their relationship was great and Bailey was relaxed, and showed total devotion. She loved to play ball with him and upon producing the ball she sat and gave one paw and then the other before chasing after and returning the ball. It was wonderful to witness and totally was so different to the descriptions I had had. I bathed her as her fur was very poor, she was very under weight. I put a harness on her and collar and disc and took her to her kennel.

Bailey was very frightened starting out in kennels:
Establishing a sense of territory and residence: Bailey in her first week wasn't eating very well and terrified of her surroundings. Over the first ten days I released Bailey into the area outside her kennel and really struggled to get her to come back to her kennel run, so on 2 occasions which ever opened run she went into we made her kennel, then moved the dog behind the pop-hole down to hers. Well now Bailey is very happy with her kennel and returns to it of her own volition.

Relaxing and trusting around food:
Bailey was hand fed by the staff and gradually became braver and to the point the staff were going in and placing her food. Bailey's appetite returned and were we able to try and rebuild her weight with nourishing food. Many volunteers are getting her to take treats and she is overcoming her reservations.

Enjoying the company of other dogs:
Every evening I release her to explore the territory outside her kennel and gradually more and more joining me in the paddock and choosing to come close. I usually am doing activities and she is curious. Bailey adores other dogs and she shines as she goes up and down the runs meeting dogs through their kennel doors. She adores Lenny Lurcher and Hope the Staffie x. She also meets the other dog I have out in the adjoining paddock and does play if they begin to run along the fence with her. Each evening she builds responsiveness and is ready to come out and is less hesitant to come back into her kennel. I get tail wags, lots of eye contact and she searches for me when I pop into the kennel block. She can still be startled when I pass her during the day as she still feels vulnerable but she is building self confidence. I am a building core trust without treats, the bond is stronger and it comes through use of voice and body language; its more of a soul thing than just accepting food. She is setting the pace and taking the initiative and I am receiving her overtures though subtle and tentative.

Bailey will make swift progress in the coming weeks. She now trusts her doggie companions, loves to watch, feels safer, is making human friends. Her evening spell she is keen to come out and smell, search and make connections with all.
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Re: Bailey Staffie x DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jan Case »

Lovely update Lynne. She is a beautiful girl and you can see she so much wants to trust you, but isn't quite sure yet. I was really honoured to spend the little time I did with you and her outside her kennel, thrilled that eventually she followed me for a little and was astonished at her total friendliness with all the other dogs, it will be a joy to watch her regain her confidence
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Re: Bailey Staffie x DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Bailey is very relaxed now with her evening outings (occasionally lunchtime)

Today Bridget bought dear Ron to meet her and observed how she came out of her kennel and walked straight up to Bridget and smelt her leg and then walked slowly past. I managed to get her to gravitate to the paddock. We then went and got Ron and he met her the other side of the fence and both were welcoming and relaxed.

Bailey invited him in to her paddock. We didn't video the meet but it was very easy. Alison is converting the long video I took, for us. Here I have a snippet video and stills
BaileynRon (1).JPG
BaileynRon (2).JPG
BaileynRon (3).JPG
BaileynRon (4).JPG
BaileyRon (1).JPG
BaileyRon (2).JPG
Jan Case
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Re: Bailey Staffie x DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by Jan Case »

I am so so glad to see this young girl on the reserved list. Everything crossed for you Bailey :crossfingers.gif:
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Re: Bailey Staffie x DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by PaulB »

Absolutely! 👍🤞
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 RRemedies Centre

Post by xxlynne »

Ron and Bridget came to meet Bailey again during the week. Ron was very comfortable to come into the paddock and Bridget asked if Bailey could come and meet Ron in his paddock, so I lead Bailey on the lead into a new area for her and in with Bridget and Ron. I must say Bailey has never shown her nerves with either of them and walked straight up to Ron and they acknowledged each other. As you can see Bailey licked Ron and gave him space. She did try play with him and Ron also did (not captured on video) Bailey is respectful of Ron and she enlivens him.

'til we meet again.....
Jan Case
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 Farnham

Post by Jan Case »

Absolutely delighted to see this beautiful girl has gone home with Ron, who will help her to settle I am sure love4.gif
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Re: Bailey Staffie x Mastiff DofB 12.09.21 Farnham

Post by xxlynne »

Ready for the off Bailey?
BaileyHome (1).JPG
BaileyHome (2).JPG
Ron happy on his chair
Ron happy on his chair
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