Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Vienna

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Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Vienna

Post by xxlynne »

Current Status: Homed
Polly's Story: Polly was found abandoned and unclaimed within a Northern council pound. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place saving her life. Polly is now neutered, chipped, and fully vaccinated. Polly was in boarding kennels near Gatwick then in foster locally as an only dog whilst awaiting her new family.

If you are interested in rehoming one of our dogs, please complete our ONLINE HOMING QUESTIONNAIRE. It is always the first step in our rehoming process. Upon application, you must be ready to take in your new dog within seven days. For more detailed information, please see our Homing Process.

Please support our work and help our long stay dogs: Our minimum adoption donation is £175. This supports our continuing rescue work and is non-refundable. We exist solely due to the goodwill and donations of our supporters and volunteers. Our dogs need supportive families who will offer them patience, time and tolerance whilst they settle in their new homes. Our Rescue offers all our dogs back-up for life.

Please note: Dog laws have changed, with zero public tolerance and prejudice against bull breeds and terriers. Our Rescue asks new owners to keep their dog on a lead in public spaces and manage and support its encounters with new dogs and people, so as not to place the dog's life at risk. Destruction and Control Orders are commonplace nowadays.
Polly's progress through our Rescue is below.
We work with our dogs, who often reveal a different picture and positive skills as they build trust.
Original Referral information: 25.09.19: Ambull x girl- poundie. 5-6 years old. She sits with her head tilted. Humps people on meeting in desperation. Not sure if its down to her poor physical condition She's most likely an Ambull x Staffie she is not big. Carolyn x
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Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Coming soon

Post by SarahW »

Aww sweetheart, lots of love waiting for you x Kiss of love.gif
Would you like to walk our lovely dogs too?
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Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Gatwick Kenns

Post by anne »

I was delighted to meet Polly today. She gave me a lovely friendly greeting in her kennel and waited patiently while I put on her new harness. We set off to explore the woods, Polly walking nicely on the lead. She does have issues with her eyesight and struggled with the narrow bridges and walked into the fence a couple of times. Bless her. She craves human company and physical connection and in her neediness she can hump your leg. She will however listen and stop when told and then lean in to you for cuddles. She is a delightful girl who deserves love and comfort and a happy, fun life. You can see kindness in her eyes. I think Polly has probably had a hard life but things will get better now, darling girl and you will be loved and cherished by all at RR while we find you a forever home. x
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Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Gatwick Kenns

Post by RosC »

Polly is a delightful girl. She has just been neutered so was wearing the dreaded cone in her kennel but we took that off for her walk which I think she was glad of!
We kept to the roads to keep her clean and enjoyed a nice walk. Polly is very affectionate. She must be feeling more secure with us all now as she only briefly displayed her humping when we changed direction to head back to the kennels. A few cuddles soon sorted any need for that and we carried on. She seems a lovely natured girl just wanting a fuss and some well deserved love and I look forward to getting to know better (unless her forever home comes along).
Polly is not a big dog - who has space on their sofa for this lovely girl?

Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Gatwick Kenns

Post by Fional »

I walked Polly on Tues 8th Oct evening. She did so well getting passed the barky dogs along her block. A real super dog out in the bad weather. Not phased by anything, it would seem. Deffo go on my walking list until she finds a loving home thumbs.gif love4.gif Fiona

Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Gatwick Kenns

Post by AlixBushnell »

Took Polly out in the rain and mud yesterday. Didn't pull at all and was sniffing away at everything. One incident of humping but soon learnt when she was going to do it so was able to distract her to prevent it. She just needs to know you are still there so checks behind her when she is unsure. I found that just talking to her and head rubs was all she needed. Managed one small bridge slowly with me walking alongside and she got a treat for making it over with no issues. Great when other dogs were near by, remained totally indifferent to them. Follows some basic commands and loves a treat.

Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Gatwick Kenns

Post by chloe_stockwell »

I had a lovely greeting from Polly today, even though we hadn't met before. She accepted a treat and was happy to get harnessed up while getting some cuddles!

She was very well behaved on her walk, not bothered at all by other dogs or other people we came across. I found that she didnt try to extend to the full length of the lead all the time, probably as she hasn't got perfect vision, but she was perfectly happy.

We also had a funny moment when we came across a very muddy pathway and she tried to turn round unimpressed. I steered her on and she zoomed through it as fast as she could as if to say show how much she didnt like getting her paws dirty!

She attempted to hump once when we got back as her neighbours were being noisy, but she stopped as soon as I told her to, and gave her some reassuring cuddles! She was otherwise easy to sway and she lapped up the fuss!!
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Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Gatwick Kenns

Post by anne »

Polly is a delightful character. What she loves more than anything else is cuddles, so if you want a cuddly companion she might just be the girl for you. She loves her walks and just needs a little reassurance occasionally due to poor eyesight. Other than that she is just a happy, fun walking companion. No humping at all yesterday, just lots of cuddles and kisses.
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Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Gatwick Kenns

Post by anne »

Polly has settled beautifully and loves her walks and all the attention she can get. I had a lovely relaxed walk with her this morning. Bless her, despite her eyesight not being 100%, she knows exactly where all the squirrels are lurking and would be up for a chase if allowed.
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Re: Polly AmStaff DofB ?2013 Gatwick Kenns

Post by EmmaNicole »

I was lucky enough to get to meet and walk Polly today. The first thing you notice about polly is her amazing and the second is how much she desperately want affection but isn’t quite sure how to ask for it as I don’t think she’s had much love in her life to date. Prolly was very keen to go on her walk and we were quickly on our way. As you start walking with polly it becomes more obvious her eye sight isn’t quite what it should be but this doesn’t slow her down and instead she seems to you her nose to help her sniff out the way. Prolly regularly checks to make sure you’re still there and actually rather likes you to talk to her as your walking so she knows everything is ok. Prolly is such a pretty girl who is just desperate for love, could you be that special person to give it to her?
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